The ENMU rodeo team barrels out the gate this weekend with the 2017 College “Daze” Rodeo at Lewis Cooper Arena.
Before you attend the rodeo tonight, check out the latest stories from the ENMU News.
President X Files
Introducing the “President X Files,” the first presidential blog at #ENMU from our tenth president, Dr. J.S. Elwell (seen here in emoji form).
President X shares his thoughts on the Golden Student Success Center renovation, accreditation and more in his first blog entry.

Greyhound Grad Law Series: United States District Judge Robert C. Brack
ENMU has had many graduates enter the field of law. This series will cover some of these Greyhound Grads, including United States District Judge Robert C. Brack.
“My greatest joy comes from being in the courtroom. I love the interaction with the lawyers and defendants,” says Judge Brack. Read about his journey from ENMU to law school.

Announcement Highlights
ENMU Accreditation Continued by Higher Learning Commission
Eastern New Mexico University’s accreditation was continued by the Institutional Actions Council of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) at its meeting on Sept. 12. The date of this action constitutes the effective date of ENMU’s new status with HLC.
IAC continued the accreditation of ENMU with the next Reaffirmation of Accreditation in 2027-28.
The accreditation included the ENMU-Portales and ENMU-Ruidoso campuses. ENMU-Roswell had a separate accreditation that occurred later in the year.
ENMU President Dr. J.S. Elwell was “delighted to receive information about reaccreditation from HLC. I appreciate all of the hard work the faculty and staff put into this process and the jobs they do day-in and day-out for this University.”
ENMU Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Jamie Laurenz said the results of the HLC visit “confirms what we already knew, we are a quality institution. We understand our mission and everything we do supports accomplishing that mission. It was truly a campus effort for this visit to be successful.”
ENMU Executive Director for Planning and Analysis Dr. Patrice Caldwell explained, “We always learn from the accreditation process. We see ourselves with fresh eyes and see ways to improve the lives of our students. We’re gratified with the positive perception that the faculty, staff and students made on HLC’s visiting team.”
ENMU Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dr. Mary Ayala said that the “HLC accreditation process, a culmination of several years of meticulous planning and intensive collaboration, has confirmed what a dedicated team we have across every sector of the University system. ENMU’s success has truly been a campus-wide effort.
“I think most of us have always appreciated what a high-quality and collegial institution this is, but we’ve never had the chance to articulate our strengths so clearly or share with our whole community of stakeholders the numerous contributions and initiatives for which we have every reason to be proud,” said Dr. Ayala.
ENMU has been accredited since March 3, 1947.

United Way Campaign Update
Dear Campus Community:
As of Wednesday, Sept. 13, Eastern New Mexico University has raised $17,281 in the United Way Campaign, or to think of it in another way, we have hit 79 percent of our goal since our fall breakfast. This is tremendous, and I thank everyone who has already donated. If you have not had the opportunity to donate, please consider doing so. If every one of our 500 permanent employees gave a $1 a month through payroll deduction, we would generate $6,000. If everyone donated $5 a month, we would generate $30,000, and far exceed our goal. Please join me and others at Eastern who have already made a donation or pledge and support those in our local communities who need our assistance.
Thank you,
Jeff Elwell, president
Canned Goods Needed at Portales Community Services Center
ENMU Community,
The 2017 Portales Leadership contingent from ENMU is asking for your help. The Portales Community Services Center is in desperate need of canned goods for its food pantry. We visited and it was bare bones. The Community Services Center is a private, non-profit corporation that provides a variety of services to the residents of Roosevelt County. Their main customers are the elderly, and the food pantry helps them prepare meals for their adult daycare program. Let’s show Portales what ENMU can do when we come together for a good cause!
The pantry is in need of unexpired canned protein (meats, beans, etc.), vegetables, and fruits. Donations of canned goods can be dropped off at the following locations throughout the month of September: The President’s Office or Human Resources in the Administration Building, Financial Aid in the SAS Building, the College of Business main office and the Helpdesk at the University Computer Center. We will take donations throughout the month and deliver the goods to the center the first of October. Thank you all for your contributions to our community!
Benito Gonzales
Director of Human Services
ENMU Greyhound Gazette
