EASTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING Eastern New Mexico University – Portales Administration Building – Regents Room November 1, 2019 – 9:30 a.m. AGENDA

CALL TO ORDER 1. Declare a quorum

2. Approve the Agenda

3. Approve minutes of the September 27, 2019 meeting
ROUTINE MATTERS 1. Report from the president of the Board

2. Report from the ENMU-Roswell president

3. Report from the ENMU-Ruidoso president

4. Report from the chancellor of the ENMU System

BUSINESS MATTERS 1. 2020-2021 Official Holiday Schedule, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action)

2. Official Recognition of the Imagination Library of DeBaca and Roosevelt Counties (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action)

3. Resolution for the Approval of Beverage Service at the University Residence, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action)

4. Amendments to Policies and New Policies, System (Dr. Patrice Caldwell, Action)

5. Tuition and Fees, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Action)

6. Renewable Energy Project, Intent to Proceed, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Action)

7. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of the Board of Regents of Eastern New Mexico University System Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2020; Establishing Procedures for the Sale and Delivery of Bonds; Delegating to the Pricing Officer the Authority to Determine the Final Terms of the Bonds as Provided Herein; Authorizing Applications to the State Board of Finance, the Higher Education Department and the New Mexico Finance Authority and Authorizing Other Matters Related to the Issuance of the Bonds (Mr. Scott Smart, Action)

8. Proposals for FY21 Capital Outlay Requests, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action

9. Approval of Response to IFB-440-20 High Voltage Primary Replacement, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

REGENTS MATTERS 1. Consideration of Possible/Required Policy Changes if New Mexico Liquor License is Approved for University (Regent Edwin Tatum, Action)

2. Board of Regents Meeting Calendar (Regent Edwin Tatum, Action)

3. Code of Conduct (Regent Edwin Tatum, Information Only)

4. Installation of a System-wide Instance of Banner (Regent Edwin Tatum, Information Only)

5. President’s Spouse Travel Expense Policy (Regent Lance Pyle, Information Only)

6. Harding Hall Information Update (Regent Dan Patterson, Information Only) 7. University House Update (Regent Terry Othick, Information Only)

EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Discussion of 1 limited personnel matter pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(2), NMSA (1978) 2. The Sale of the Greyhound Stadium Property pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(8), NMSA (1978)


“If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations in order to attend Board of Regents meetings, please contact the Office of the President, Eastern New Mexico University at 575.562.2121 at least 48 hours prior