EASTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING Eastern New Mexico University – Roswell Campus Union Building – Multi-purpose Room May 10, 2019 – 1:00 p.m. AGENDA

1. Declare a quorum

2. Approve the agenda
ROUTINE MATTERS 1. Approval of the minutes of April 19, 2019 2. Report from the president of the Board 3. Report from the ENMU-Roswell president 4. Report from the ENMU-Ruidoso president 5. Report from the chancellor of the ENMU System

BUSINESS MATTERS Consent Agenda 1. Addendum #1 to Spring 2019 Graduation List, Portales (Mr. Clark Elswick, Action) 2. Emerita Status for Dr. Sue Stockly, Portales (Dr. Jamie Laurenz, Action) 3. Program Changes, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action) 4. Welding Fees, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action) 5. Change Aviation Maintenance Technology Fees, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)
Other Items 1. Draft 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only) 2. Academic Program Enrollment Review, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only) 3. Policy 80-12: Title IX, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action) 4. Amendments to Policies and New Policies, System (Dr. Patrice Caldwell, Action) 5. Harding Hall, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action) 6. Five-Year Capital Plan, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action)

REGENTS MATTERS 1. College of Education and Technology Recruiting Incentives for the Teachers Education Program (Dr. Jamie Laurenz, Information Only) 2. Update on Programs and Recruitment within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Portales (Dr. Mary Ayala, Information Only) 3. Status Update on the University House Architect RFP (Regent Terry Othick, Information Only) 4. Update on CUP and HERC Issues (Dr. Dan Patterson, Information Only)

EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Discussion pertaining to 3 threatened or pending litigation matters involving the University pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(7), NMSA (1978) 2. Discussion of 3 limited personnel matter pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(2), NMSA (1978)


“If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations in order to attend Board of Regents meetings, please contact the Office of the President, Eastern New Mexico University at 575.562.2121 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend.”