by; David Silva

Turkey, stuffing, gravy galore. Pumpkin, pecan, let the eggnog pour! Tis the season to be jolly but does one have to sacrifice their year-long progress or lifestyle eating choices to feel included during the holidays? The answer is “no” you do not have to throw away all the hard work, sweat, and tears you have put into your fitness goals over the year(s) every time a holiday is on the horizon. Almost everyone knows it is hard to stay motivated and physically active not just during the holidays but year around in general. Planning and being in the right mindset towards moderation are key tips in not overindulging during the holiday season.


“Every day is a struggle and of course the holidays don’t make it any easier, but you have to keep reminding yourself why you are doing it and who you might be doing it for. I want to have many more wonderful years with my grand baby. I want to be able to go to the park or go on walks and be able to keep up with her. Having that in mind is what motivates me to push through negative eating habits and to stay more active,” said Naomi Maldonado, an Herbal Life distributor.


Maldonado went on to explain how she strives to stick to her diet and workout routine when everyone else around her is indulging.


“Ugg it is so hard, but I see the changes my body is going through, and I feel ten times better when I follow a proper eating and workout routine. And since I do it with my family, we help each other stay motivated and keep each other accountable with a little family-friendly competition,” said Maldonado.


When asked if she has any advice or tips to share with readers about holiday eating and physical activities, Maldonado said, “The temptations are real, and it’s okay to enjoy some great food over the holidays, but just remember to do it in moderation. Don’t give up on your wellness goals, every day is a new day and you just have to keep pushing forward. If you do fall off, just get back up and try again the next day.”


For many individuals working towards their fitness goals, that is a great outlook to have during the holidays. However, to other individuals who are a bit stricter towards their active lifestyles and dedicated eating habits, that might be more easily said than done.


“I have been doing a ketogenic/fasting lifestyle for the past 4 months. I fast for 20 hours and then have an eating window of 4 hours, where I eat within a keto base diet of high fats and low carbs,” said Jacob Sanchez, a ketogenic enthusiast.


When asked if it is harder to stay committed to his lifestyle choices as it gets closer to the holiday seasons, Sanchez  said, “Not so much now that I have been seeing and feeling the results from the lifestyle I have now. I have struggled with weight-loss my whole life and now when I go to the stores and see the unhealthy foods I use to eat; the choice is simple”.


Sanchez went on to explain his end goals and why proper eating and fitness are a staple in his household.


“Honestly, I want to add more years to mine and my family’s lives. I want a healthier life in general, from physically healthy, to mentally healthy, and even down to spiritually, and I believe that comes with having a good center of life choices. I feel that I am at a point in my life where I am aware of all the harmful things that are put into our foods and that helps reinforce my stance on why I choose not to eat certain foods anymore,” said Sanchez .


When asked if he had any words of encouragement for readers, Sanchez said, “Do your research on what diet or lifestyle choices will work best for you. Try and get into the mindset that food is fuel and being cautious to how you fuel your body, dictates the outcome of your goals.”


Everyone, now more so than ever, wants to build wonderful memories with loved ones over the holidays. Gathering and sharing amazing food and drinks have been an essential part of our social norm for hundreds of years. Yet, it’s important to not get lost in a jolly spell and turn a night of indulgence into a whole season.