Portales, NM – September 12, 2023– Eastern New Mexico University released enrollment data on Friday, Sept. 8; the results showed the most significant enrollment growth in the last decade. With a first-time freshman class up 14.4%, new transfer students up 16.5%, and total graduate enrollment up 3.3%, overall enrollment increased to 5,398, a 5.7% increase from last year.

Full-time students for both undergraduate and graduate classes are up, leading to an 8.4% increase in student credit hours, adding over 4,000 more student credit hours compared to the 22-23 school year.

“We are very excited to see such an increase across the board. Enrollment growth like this represents an increase in new students and retention of continuing students to get them across the finish line,” said James Johnston, ENMU Chancellor. “A huge thank you to all those on campus who work hard daily to bring students to ENMU and help them cross that graduation stage.”

ENMU’s student population represents all of New Mexico’s 33 counties, 53 U.S. states/territories, and 34 countries worldwide.

Residence halls and on-campus apartments were close to capacity on the first day of classes as ENMU continues to see increases in its students attending in-person classes at the University.

This marks the second consecutive year of overall enrollment growth for the University.