EASTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING Eastern New Mexico University – Portales Administration Building – Regents Room September 27, 2019 – 9:30 a.m. AGENDA

CALL TO ORDER 1. Declare a quorum

2. Approve the agenda

3. Approve minutes of the July 11, 2019 special telephonic meeting

ROUTINE MATTERS 1. Report from the president of the Board

2. Report from the ENMU-Roswell president

3. Report from the ENMU-Ruidoso president 4. Report from the chancellor of the ENMU System
1. Annual Audit Report and Next Fiscal Year Audit Plan, Portales (Ms. Jessica Small, Action)

2. Graduation Late Fee Increase (Mr. Clark Elswick, Action)

3. Establish Certificate of Occupational Training – Culinary Fundamentals, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)

4. Community College Board Elections Update, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

5. Composition of Security Force, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

6. Summer 2019 Graduation List, Portales (Mr. Clark Elswick, Action)

7. Summer 2019 Graduation List, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

8. Report of Actuals for 2018-2019, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Information Only)

9. Report of Actuals for 2018-2019, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

10. Report of Actuals for 2018-2019, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Information Only)

11. Research and Public Service Projects 2020-2021, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

12. Research and Public Service Projects 2020-2021, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)
Other Items 1. Yazzie/Martinez Ruling: Implications for ENMU (Dr. Patrice Caldwell via Mr. Edward TabetCubero, Executive Director, Learning Alliance New Mexico and Dr. Patricia Jiménez-Latham, Project Manager, Transform Education New Mexico, Information Only) 2. Greyhound Connection Presentation, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell via Ms. Marisa Garduno-DaSilva, Information Only) 3. Proposed Harding Hall Renovation Project, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell via Mr. Matt McKim, Dekker, Perich & Sabatini, Information Only) 4. Second Proposed Project for 2020 GO Bond NMHED Capital Outlay Committee, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action) 5. Campus Facility Master Plan and Capital Projects Update, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action) 6. Renewable Energy Update, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart via Mr. Steve House, Information Only) 7. Greyhound Arena Roof Update, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Information Only) 8. Liquor License Update, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Information Only)
REGENTS MATTERS 1. University House Update (Regent Terry Othick, Information Only) 2. Student Regent Scholarship (Dr. Patrice Caldwell, Information Only)

EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Discussion pertaining to 1 threatened or pending litigation matters involving the University pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(7), NMSA (1978) 2. Discussion of 3 limited personnel matter pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(2), NMSA (1978) 3. Blackwater Draw, Greyhound Stadium (Mr. Wade Jackson, Sutin, Thayer & Browne, Information only)

“If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations in order to attend Board of Regents meetings, please contact the Office of the President, Eastern New Mexico University at 575.562.2121 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend.”