EASTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING Eastern New Mexico University – Portales Administration Building – Regents Room December 13, 2019 – 9:30 a.m. AGENDA

CALL TO ORDER 1. Declare a quorum

2. Approve the agenda

3. Approve minutes of the November 1, 2019 meeting

4. Approve minutes of the November 8, 2019 special telephonic meeting

5. Approve minutes of the November 15, 2019 special telephonic meeting

ROUTINE MATTERS 1. Report from the president of the Board

2. Report from the ENMU-Roswell president

3. Report from the ENMU-Ruidoso president

4. Report from the chancellor of the ENMU System

BUSINESS MATTERS Consent Agenda 1. Fall 2019 Graduation List, Portales (Mr. Clark Elswick, Action)

2. Fall 2019 Graduation List, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

3. Budget Adjustment Request, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Action)

4. Budget Adjustment Request, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

5. Budget Adjustment Request, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)

6. Approval of Construction Trades Program, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)

7. Approval of Fermentation Science Programs, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)

8. Approval of Wind Energy Program, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)

9. Associate of Science Degree in Secondary Elementary Education Option within the Teacher Education Program, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

10. Computer and Network Cyber Security Program Deactivation, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

11. Medical Coding Specialist Program Deactivation, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

12. Approval to Transfer Musical Instruments, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

13. Property Disposition, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

Other Items 1. 2020-2021 Official Holiday Schedule – Revised, Portales (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action)

2. Leadership Training, Portales (Mr. Benito Gonzales, Information Only)

3. Five-Year Capital Projects Plan Update, Ruidoso (Dr. Ryan Carstens, Action)

4. Update on Electrical Energy Technology-Renewable Energy Emphasis, Portales (Dr. Jamie Laurenz, Information Only)

5. Amendments to Policies, System (Dr. Patrice Caldwell, Action)

6. Proposed Rates for Room and Board 2020-2021, Portales (Dr. Jeff Long, Action)

7. 2020 Series 2011 Redeem Resolution, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Action)

8. Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Site Visits, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

9. Banner Integration, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Information Only)

10. Consolidation of Two Vice President Positions, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

11. Approval to Move to the Design Phase for Sewer and Sanitary Piping Upgrades, Roswell, (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)

REGENTS MATTERS 1. Regent Approval for President Elwell and Edwina Gower to attend the Legislative Dinner in Santa Fe Funded by ENMU Foundation (Dr. Jeff Elwell, Action)

2. Election of Officers, Subcommittee Appointments, Alumni and Foundation Appointments (Regent Edwin Tatum, Action)

3. University House Project (Regent Terry Othick, Information Only)

EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Discussion of 3 limited personnel matter pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(2), NMSA (1978)

“If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations in order to attend Board of Regents meetings, please contact the Office of the President, Eastern New Mexico University at 575.562.2121