Mission: The mission of the local DWI grant program is to reduce the incidence of DWI, alcoholism, alcohol abuse and alcohol-related domestic violence (per DFA definition).

Vision: The Roosevelt County DWI Program personnel continually strive to improve our services to the community by collaborating and partnering with schools, other agencies and non-profit organizations to create a safer community.

Local Goals:

  • To reduce and prevent incidents of alcohol and drug related DWI
  • To reduce and prevent the misuse of prescription opioid/pain medication
  • To reduce and prevent incidents of underage drinking and other drug use



Wednesday, November 16, 2022

At the ENMU CUB Sandia room

  1. Call to Order at ____________
  2. Previous minutes for the Aug 17, 2022 meeting. *action item
  3. Introductions
  4. Reports – data, trends
  5. Law Enforcement (ENMU DPS, Portales PD, Sheriff’s Office, NM State Police/SIU, Cannon)
  6. Courts (Magistrate, Municipal, District, Teen Court)
  7. Probation (Compliance, JPO, Drug Court, other)
  8. Other


  1. Old Business

FY22 Q1 spending report, discussion and *action item


  1. New Business
  2. Court Compliance Officer report – Liliana/Heather/Darla
  3. DWI Evaluator report – Shannon Morrison
  4. Director’s report – Darla


  1. Announcements
  2. Please look and/or listen for Roos Co DWI radio ads, the billboard on Hyw 70 and ads in the Roosevelt Review cite, Chamber magazine….the DWI program funds are paying for sponsorships at the Peanut Festival and the free movie nights
  3. Teen Court activities – most recent hearing November 14, 2022 at 5:30 pm, next Dec 12, 2022
  4. Roosevelt County Q2 DWI Task Force VIP, Nov 17, 2022, doors open at 5:30, start at 6:00, and ends at 7:00 at the Magistrate Court building. CDWI funds pay for speakers and security
  5. Health Council, Wednesday, Jan 4, 2023
  6. Next meeting tentatively Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at the Detention Center training room at noon.


  1. Adjournment at ___________