WHEREAS, Roosevelt County officials value the health and safety of all our citizens; and
WHEREAS, local leaders, in government and in the community, know that the support of the citizens in our communities
are the most effective tools they can have in their efforts to reduce the use of alcohol and other drugs by New Mexicans; and
WHEREAS, Roosevelt County is joining with other New Mexico DW1 Coordinator Affiliates to support all efforts to reduce
DWI crashes, DWI fata lities and the use of alcohol by residents throughout the State; and
WHEREAS, the New Mexico DWI Coordinators Affiliate represents 33 counties with the common goal of reducing the
incidence of DWI, alcoholism, alcohol abuse, drug add iction or drug abuse and preventing or reducing the incidence of domestic
abuse related to the use or abuse of alcohol; and
WHEREAS, the New Mexico DWI Coordinators in the 33 counties provide services under Local DWI Programs that
provide Compliance Monitoring/Tracking for over 12,000 DWI/ DUI offenders ensuring that clients are in compliance with Cou1t
Ordered requirements; and
WHEREAS, students (K-12th grade) throughout the State also rece ive prevention education/activities through these
programs; and
WHEREAS, nationwide, every day 926 people are injured or eve1y 90 seconds someone is injured in drunk driving crash
(MADD); and
WHEREAS, about 30 percent of all traffic fatalities in the United States involve a driver who is alcohol impaired. Each day,
about 32 people in the United States die in a crash in which at least one driver is alcohol impaired. That’s one person every 45 minutes
(SAMHSA); and
WHEREAS, some prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause extreme drowsiness, dizziness, and other side
effects. If there’s a warning on the medication about “operating heavy machinery,” that includes driving a vehicle; marijuana can slow
reaction time, impair judgment of time and distance, and decrease coordination; opioids can cause drowsiness and impair cognitive
function; Cocaine and rnethamphetamines can lead to aggressive and reckless driving; and
WHEREAS, it is illegal eve1ywhere in the United States to drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, opioids,
methamphetamines, or any potentially impairing drug (SAMHSA); and
WHEREAS, if you ‘re attending a gathering where alcohol or other substances will be served, plan beforehand to get home
safely; do not let others get behind the wheel if they’re under the influence; if you host a paity where alcohol or other substances will
be served ask your guest to make a plan to get home safely, offer substance-free beverages, make sure all guests leave with a sober
driver; and
WHEREAS, Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month will be a focus in Curry, De Baca and Roosevelt counties in
New Mexico durin g, December 1 s’ – 31 ‘\ 2024; and
NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclaimed that the governing body Roosevelt County, Board of Commissioners, does hereby designate
December, 207zf. as:
“Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month”
Roosevelt County Board of Commissioners urges all citizens, parents, governmental agencies, public and private institutions,
businesses, hospitals, schools and colleges in Roosevelt County to support efforts that will increase cmmnunity awareness,
understanding and action to address DWI in our community.