Dr. Patrice Caldwell formally announced today that she plans to retire on Aug. 1, 2020, after 39 years at Eastern New Mexico University.

“Eastern has been my life for so many years; I look forward to the next eight months and for a continued relationship with Greyhound Nation,” Caldwell said. “ENMU will always be my family.”

Dr. Caldwell began her academic career at ENMU in 1980 as an assistant professor and directed freshman composition. She chaired the Department of Languages and Literature from 1984-88 and served as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences from 1988-97. When ENMU received the prestigious Pew Leadership Award for Institutional Renewal in 1997, she coordinated that effort, which launched ENMU’s Freshman Seminar and advising initiatives.

The next year, she moved to the Office of Planning and Analysis, working with grants, strategic planning and institutional management. In the summer of 2018, she was promoted to vice president for Planning, Analysis and Governmental Relations and named chief of staff.

“Patrice has contributed to the success of Eastern New Mexico University for more than 39 years and is entering her fifth decade at the University. She has worked for six of Eastern’s ten presidents, “ said Jeff Elwell, President of Eastern. “She is a veritable institution on the campus and has devoted her life to the University and its students. We will begin a national search soon but it will be difficult for anyone to replace her. We can only hope that the search brings us someone who has the potential to achieve what Patrice has achieved during her time at the university.”

Dr. Caldwell received the Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence in 1986. Her happiest ENMU memories are team-teaching creative writing and science fiction with Dr. Jack Williamson. She serves on the board of the ENMU Friends of Music, actively supports the arts on campus and is a loyal attendee at ENMU Athletics and student activities campus-wide.

“In the course of a lifetime, we are sometimes privileged to meet and work with remarkable people.” KENW Director of Broadcasting Duane Ryan said. “Patrice Caldwell is one of those individuals. Over the years, I have watched Patrice accept assignment after assignment, always doing an outstanding job! I hated to see her leave full-time teaching because I knew she was so good at it. However, as she advanced in the administration, she proved to be just as good at administering as she was at teaching. Patrice’s dedication to Eastern’s students, faculty and staff has been steadfast and remarkable. In the end, however, I am glad she went into administration because our Broadcast Center eventually was moved under her area for administrative supervision. We could not have asked for a better or more dedicated boss! We will miss her greatly!”