by Don Thomas

Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.”

Growing up with a Dad that preaches at a country church 33 miles from your home, gives you some interesting experiences. I learned about the “Great Tarantula Migrations” of the Causey area! (2 times per year there would be a black ROW of tarantulas crossing the highway…my reaction was to lock the door, in case they wanted to climb up the side of our car going 60 mph!) I learned how to play the “Road Sign Game”…you know, where you find the alphabet on road signs? Problem: there’s only about 4 road signs between here and there so we never got past “C”. And I listened to a LOT of Gospel music! The Blackwood Brothers, The Stamps Quartet (With J.D. Sumner on bass…wow!), the Lefevres, & the Happy Goodman family…there was a LOT of singing in our cars!

One particular song still creeps into my memory every so often. It’s a song called “Remind Me, Dear Lord” by the great Dottie Rambo. Here’s a sampling of the lyrics:
The things that I love, and hold dear to my heart
Are just borrowed…they’re not mine at all.
Jesus only let me use them to brighten my life,
So remind me, remind me dear Lord!

We are a staggeringly FORGETFUL people! We forget where we put our keys, we forget our passwords…we even forget special days! So we come up with fancy apps on our phones to remember stuff (very good) and we use Facebook to remind us when birthdays are happening! (THANK YOU, FB!) But the people of God have been NOTORIOUSLY short on the memory stick!

“Hey Moses…why’d you bring us out here in the desert??? C’mon, son! We had it good back there!!” Our forefathers were quick to forget the beatings, the oppression and the ungodliness of Egypt. In a span of just a couple of chapters, (Exodus 14-16 or so) the Children of Israel go from pleading for God to remember them and get them out of their painful slavery…to whining about the food! I want to scream at the text and say, “Don’t you knuckleheads REMEMBER what God just did for you????”

And then, this song rings in my ear… “Remind me, dear Lord”. I’m just like those knuckleheads! I whine about my bills and tax season…but forget that God has fed me and my children well-we’ve never missed a meal! I gripe about the government and the state of the world…but forget that God has blessed THIS LAND with Freedom, and that includes the Freedom to SAY what I want to say!

The Chorus to that Dottie Rambo song goes like this:
Roll back the curtain of memory now and then…
Show me where you brought me from, and where I could have been!
Remember I’m human…and humans forget.
So remind me, dear Lord!

Do we take the time to remember “where He has brought us FROM…and where we could have been???” I would be willing to bet, if you stopped for just a few moments and thought…you can EASILY think of a place you COULD HAVE BEEN if God would have granted a prayer request you made a long time ago?? (Can I get an “Oh Yeah!” from anyone??) We can QUICKLY look at our situation and say “Why isn’t it better?”…but we don’t have to look very far to see that it could have been MUCH WORSE!

Our God is FAITHFUL! We say that in Church sometimes…but I wonder if we really get what it means? It means He WILL NOT FORGET US! He KEEPS His covenants and His Word! Maybe what I’m trying to say is this: that song is planted in my brain, and it comes up at times…just to REMIND ME! Remind me of HIS Faithfulness! Remind me of HIS Covenant love!

So as days come and go this week…take time to REMEMBER how faithful our God IS! Remember…I’m human…and humans forget. So remind me, dear Lord!

Almighty Father, remind me of how You have provided, how You have protected…and may I remember you every day, in a new and powerful way! In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Shalom Alachiem, Don

Central Christian Church

Service Times

Saturday Evenings:

6:30 pm – Contemporary Worship (Full Band)
Nursery, Wee Worship, and KidZone available

Sunday Mornings:

8:15 a.m. – Traditional Worship (classic hymns)
9:30 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. – Contemporary Worship (Full Band)
Nursery, Wee Worship, and KidZone available

Church Location & Address:
1528 South Main Avenue, Portales, NM, 88130

Sunday Morning Radio Broadcast
7 a.m. on 105.9 FM