There’s another response that I think is so important when we find ourselves in the midst of the unthinkable: I believe we’re to discover the good that God will bring from this calamity or tragedy

Some may ask, “How can you even think that anything good could come out of anything tragic?” When we’re felled by tragic events, often we’re so wounded that even the most ordinary tasks seem gargantuan in scope, and the thought that one day things will get back to a degree of normalcy seems incomprehensible.

Deep, emotional scarring can blind us to the possibility that in the future there will be healing and peace for even the most traumatized of souls. But healing does come. For example, I’ve known a man who lost two businesses and the love of many of his family and friends, and for years was living in a semi-permanent state of depression. But with God’s healing, guidance, and blessing, he’s risen out of the ashes of despair and, with family alongside him, has become a beacon of hope to many seeking help in the aftermath of personal tragedy.

If you were to ask this man how he was able to rebound, I’m sure he’d refer you to Romans 8:28:

We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 

One of the good things that can come from tragedy is that when we find ourselves in duress, when our moorings are adrift, we find our way back to God. Sometimes in the midst of tragic situations, there’s a greater sense of things eternal than there may have been for a long time in your life. 

God’s eternal plan is to help us all reconnect with Him. He created the world through His unprecedented power and authority. He created human beings and allows us to enjoy His beautiful world. But our sin has led us away from God and continues to push us to do our own thing. As a result, we become more self-reliant and less aware of our need for God. When tragedy comes across our path, we don’t have the resources within ourselves to bring peace to our troubled hearts. This is what opens a window to our souls—a window that our loving Father can access and use to make contact with us again.

No matter how far away from Him you’ve traveled, God still knows, understands, and loves you right where you are. And in the midst of any tragedy you face … and at any point in your life … He can open the window to your heart and change your life forever. All that’s required is your permission. When you give the word, God will use any tragedy you face to bring triumph to your life.

Click here to learn more about how you can triumph over the tragedies of life and download resources to help you grow in your walk with the Lord.

Study Further:

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NLT‬‬