by: Hollie Tixier

The past couple of days God has put this song on my heart.  The title is “Worthy of it all” by David Brymer.  It has been on repeat in my mind, becoming an anthem throughout my week.  This song has struck my heart and inflamed me on how important worship and prayer is.  Worship is cry that surrounds the throne room.

May we be reminded that worship and prayer should be a constant part of our lives, day and night, never ceasing.  As we worship with all of our heart a fire is released in our lives, every unnecessary weight and sin that tries to cling to us will be devoured and replaced with freedom, joy, refreshing and breakthrough.

Worship and prayer are ways of purging out the pollution so that only Christ is left in us.  As we worship and pray we experience a deeper level of freedom and a deeper connection to glory.

A new fire will be poured out. It won’t be out of self-seeking, but a place of total surrender.  Intimacy in worship and prayer will produce a new level of praise!  God is worthy of it all.  He deserves all the glory.  Let’s let an incense arise around the world to make a sweet fragrance for Christ that will remain day and night.  May we give Him all our praise from our deepest places.