David Stone Obituary

Funeral services for David L. Stone, 83, currently of Edmond, OK, will be held at 11:00 AM, Sat., Feb. 8, 2025 at the First United Methodist Church in Portales with Richard Bradfute officiating.  Burial will follow in the Portales Cemetery with Pete Paiz, Leonard Montoya, Danny Heflin, Derrick Stone, Joe Willingham and John Snowberger serving as pallbearers.  Larry Smith, Kenneth Smith, John Gentry, Dick Hood, Joe Chandler, John Hilliard, James Hatch, Stuart Ingle and Doug Stone will serve as honorary pallbearers.  Ron Jackson and Leo Montoya have been named in memoriam.

A reception will be held at the J. P. Stone Bank Main Branch, 109 E. 2nd St., on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 PM.

A complete obituary will follow.


Funeral Service

February 8, 2025

11:00 AM
First United Methodist Church (Sat, Portales)