Everyone loves saving money. And Dave has lots of ideas for cutting back expenses—everything from brown bagging lunches to buying beater cars.

But there’s one tip that Dave’s fans absolutely love. Every time we mention it, people thank us because they save hundreds—sometimes thousands—of dollars.

Maybe you’ve heard it before. If so, bear with us—many folks are just getting to know Dave. Or perhaps you’ve heard it and never tried it. If that’s you, we encourage you to go for it!

So what’s everyone’s favorite tip? Shop for insurance with the help of an independent insurance agent.

The Difference Is in the Name
Why is an independent insurance agent such a great money-saver? Because they’re not limited to a single provider’s options. With access to a whole network of insurers, an independent agent casts a wider net to find you the best deals on the coverage that’s right for you. It’s like having your own personal shopper!

And you can feel confident knowing your independent agent doesn’t have a dog in the hunt when it comes to which provider or policy you choose. At the end of the day, the choice is yours.

›Do you know if you have the right insurance coverage? Take the checkup.
Old Policies Aren’t Necessarily Better
If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that things change. Yet many people treat their insurance policy like a bottle of wine that just gets better with age.

And that mistake could cost them.

According to an Insurance Information Institute report, 56% of homeowners and 31% of drivers don’t comparison shop when their policy is up for renewal.(1) That means they could be missing out on new discounts or opportunities to match their coverage to their current circumstances.

Change can be hard, but it’s worth it. Take it from Zach D. After 15 years with the same auto insurance company—a legacy from his early days of driving—he decided to give an independent agent a try. And now his family is saving $1,200 a year on the exact same coverage. “I can’t believe I waited so long to shop prices!” he said.

Zach and his family saved $1,200 a year with the help of an indpendent insurance agent
It’s About More Than Your Bottom Line
Saving money is awesome. But cutting costs shouldn’t mean cutting corners. A true pro takes time to walk you through your coverage options so you can make the decision that’s right for you.

Sadly, this basic level of service isn’t always part of the package. Many people don’t fully understand the details of their insurance policies. Confusion about what’s covered and what’s not could be costly. According to the Insurance Information Institute, here are a few events that aren’t covered under a basic policy:

Mudslides, sinkholes, earthquakes and landslides.
Hurricane storm surges that damage your property.
Heavy rains that flood your basement.
An overflowing river that damages your home.(2)
That’s crazy! You should know what you’re paying for. No one wants to be surprised in the middle of a crisis when they’re trying to file a claim. Take a few minutes out of your day and shop your insurance coverage with your local independent agent.

You also shouldn’t have to sacrifice your coverage quality to save a buck. Brandi H. decided it was time to shop around after her family’s premiums went up 10%, so she called her local independent insurance agent. “I not only cut our rate by 20% but also got increased coverage with lower deductibles!” Brandi said.

Brandi saved money and got better coverage with lower deductibles with an independent insurance agent
Related: Need help finding term life insurance for your family? Make sure your family is covered for your current situation.

Start Saving Today
What would you do with an extra $700 or more? That’s how much people save on average simply by having an insurance Endorsed Local Provider check their rates. Would you knock out your debt snowball? Boost your retirement fund? The possibilities are endless! So what are you waiting for?

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