Written by: Jaymi Firestone

My dog, Zoe, knows quite a few tricks. She’s a black lab, and I might be a little biased, but she’s pretty smart for a dog.

I grabbed a bag of treats tonight. She heard the bag, and came running! I watched her tail start wagging like crazy, and she followed me to the living room, very hastily. I told her to sit, and immediately she starts a jumbled mess of all her tricks. She was so excited for the treat she knew she’d get if she did what she was commanded that she rushed through everything from laying, crawling, giving me five (shaking), to even playing dead.

After I calmed her down and made her go through all of her tricks for the treats she wanted, it got me thinking about my spiritual life. Strange correlation, but stay with me here. Just like Zoe did with me, I find myself often cutting corners with what I’m commanded to do for God.

The rewards we reap from God are wonderful blessings. He has promised us so many things. He’s promised to provide for our needs, to protect us from evil, and a home in Heaven when we leave this earth.

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Throughout the Bible, it shows God’s promises to us. In return, He’s asking that we do certain things for Him.

This is where my dog analogy fits in. Zoe cuts every corner she possibly can in order to get the treats I have in my hand. She just wants her treat, but doesnt want to listen or follow through with what she’s supposed to do. I’m so much like that when it comes to God’s commands for me.

Of course I want eternal life, and you better believe I want blessings from God while I’m here on earth. Do I really have to help those who are in need though? Why can’t I just show up one day a year to volunteer at our local food & clothing distribution and call it good? And am I really supposed to love my enemy and pray for those who persecute me? Can’t I just avoid them and pretend they don’t exist? That’s close enough right?

That’s literally my mindset sometimes. I don’t know if I’m alone on that or not, but I struggle to live like I’m supposed to in order to reap the rewards God has promised me. Here’s what gets me though…

I don’t ask much of Zoe when she does her tricks. They’re simple commands.

Isn’t that the same as what God asks of us? Love Him and love others. That’s what He expects. Everything else falls into place then. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commands.” All we are asked in return for our rich blessings is to live like Jesus did.

“But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

So as we start another weekend, my prayer is that God guides us down the path to following His commands completely, instead of cutting corners. He sent His Son to die for us. The least we could do is live like He asked.