Concerned about crime in our area? Roosevelt Country Crimestoppers would love to have your input. Next meeting is Monday, Oct. 18. Here’s the information:
MONDAY, Oct. 18
*Roosevelt County Crimestoppers – 6-7 p.m., Aztec Room, ENMU Campus Union Building, Portales. Open to anyone who is interested. Agenda includes election of officers, discussion of future meeting dates/times/places, discussion of by-laws, plans for future activities and fundraisers.
Information: Darla Reed at or 575-226-5237

Revised Bylaws

Approved March 30,1994

Revised January 29, 2020



Crime Stoppers of Roosevelt County, Inc. is a non-profit organization that exists to provide moral and financial support to the local law enforcement agencies of Roosevelt County, New Mexico, which includes the Portales Police Department, the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office, the Eastern New Mexico University Department of Public Safety, and New Mexico State Police (District IX). The organization serves as a vehicle by which citizens of Roosevelt County can anonymously provide information about existing or potential crime, as well as acts as a fiscal agent to provide rewards to such individuals and to assist in providing fiscal support for agency events, equipment, and other needs within the local Roosevelt County law enforcement community. Members of Crime Stoppers of Roosevelt County, Inc., are committed to showing personal and vocal support to all of these local agencies and maintaining discretion and confidentiality in regard to matters of crimes, investigations, and other sensitive law enforcement information.




The name of the corporation is Crime Stoppers of Roosevelt County, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Crime Stoppers, Inc.”. The principal office of Crime Stoppers, Inc. shall be located at 314 South Main Ave., Portales, New Mexico 88130. A mailing address of P.O. Box 172, Portales, New Mexico, 88130 will be available for billing purposes. However, meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such places within the State of New Mexico as may be designated by the Board of Directors.



The Roosevelt County Crime Stoppers may be members of Crime Stoppers International, Inc., if determined by the Board of Directors.



Section 1: Composition: Crime Stoppers shall consist of a Board of Directors and non-voting associate members. The number of Directors compromising the Board may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors within the limits fixed by the Article of Incorporation and these bylaws. Director: A resident of or someone working within Roosevelt County, excluding anyone employed by a law enforcement agency, will be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.

No Director shall receive any compensation for serving on the Board, except when expenses are accrued when attending an out-of-county meeting or conferences and the Director has received the approval of the Board of Directors. Being a member of Crime Stoppers is a voluntary position.

Section 2: Requirements for Membership: Person(s) requesting membership to the Crime Stoppers organization shall complete an application or be recommended by another board member and submit to a background check, paid for by the incoming member. Upon clearance, the Board of Directors shall vote on the request for membership. Members who have not yet completed a background check will be asked to exit the meeting when sensitive law enforcement information is to be discussed.

Note: If potential members submit proof of being a full-time college student, Crime Stoppers will pay two thirds of their background check fee, with the potential member paying the other one third.

Section 3: Removal: Any Director shall be removed, with or without just cause, by a majority vote at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors, provided that notice of the intent to call for such a vote is given to the Director in question at least forty-eight hours prior to the meeting. A Director, upon missing three consecutive meetings or five regular meetings in a regular calendar year, may face review by the Board regarding their membership status and may be removed from membership by unanimous vote, whether said Director is present or not. The said Director will be immediately notified by the President following the meeting that he/she has been dismissed. Any Director so dismissed may file a letter of appeal for reinstatement at the next board meeting, stating the reasons for their absence and may be reinstated upon a majority vote. If a letter of appeal has not been submitted by the next meeting following the said Director’s removal, reinstatement will not be considered. Members who wish to continue to serve Crime Stoppers, Inc. by whatever means possible but cannot attend meetings may ask to remain as non-voting associate members.

Section 4: Powers and Duties of Crime Stoppers Board of Directors: In managing the affairs of the Crime Stoppers Organization, the Board of Directors shall specifically have, but not limited to, the power to:

  1. Adopt standing rules and formulate, approve, and adopt policy.
  2. Employ individuals
  3. Procure and maintain liability insurance to protect its members in the performance of their duties and maintain hazard insurance to protect Crime Stoppers and its properties and assets.
  4. Procure and maintain bonds for persons having and maintaining secure custody of funds.
  5. Authorize disbursement of funds.
  6. Assist in the publicity and promotion of Crime Stoppers, Inc.
  7. Help law enforcement agencies detect and combat crime, by increasing the flow of information to the public and media and by stimulating and encouraging such flow among law enforcement agencies and personnel.
  8. Fund other law enforcement agency projects and needs as needed and when voted upon.



Section 1: Regular Meetings: The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings, including an annual election meeting in the month of January. The date, time, and location of regular meetings shall be determined by the President of the Board of Directors by giving seventy-two hours advance notice to the members of the Board of Directors.

Section 2: Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President, or by any two Board of Directors, with at least forty-eight hours advance notice. Such notice of the President of the Board or at least two Board members shall include a statement of the purpose of the meetings, as well as the date, time, and location of the special meeting.