The Roosevelt County Commissioners held numerous public meetings for almost two years regarding concerns of South Roosevelt Road Q 1/2, and officially closed a section of the road on Tuesday. The Commission had sought and considered public input, contacted local residents and first responders, worked closely with City officials and weighed numerous options. The specific section of SRR Q 1/2 in question lies between 18th Street and South Roosevelt Road 7.

“This was not a quick, easy decision as I didn’t want to see this road closed initially. So many of our residents utilize this road,“ Commissioner Shane Lee said. “Ultimately it had to be closed for the safety of residents, especially kids that may not be familiar with the dangerousness of the dip in this road. We have to protect our children and after speaking with so many people including emergency responders, partial closure seemed to be the safest option.”

“I feel this road closure request has been considered and research through a very long and thoughtful process,” stated County Manager Amber Hamilton. “We’ve sought out public input, worked to consider the area residents and City’s needs and desires; all while staying focused on the primary goal of improving the safety of this roadway. This closure was discussed in some form in at least 17 meetings since the summer of 2016.”

The Commission voted unanimously to close a section of South Roosevelt Road Q 1/2 between South Roosevelt Road 6 1/2 and South Roosevelt Road 7, approximately one-half mile. The County Road Department will begin work in the coming weeks of the first phase of this road closure. The first phase includes installing extensive signage, lit stop signs, rumble strips, minor construction, and installing road closure barriers.

“With the Road Department beginning the initial preparation stages of phase one, we feel it is really important to get the word out to the community,” stated Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato. “This closure will change traffic patterns, as we work to improve the safety of this roadway.”

For more information please contact the Road Department at 356-5942 or Administration at 356.5307.