Call Meeting to Order Invocation

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Salute to the Flag of New Mexico

“I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

1. Approval of Agenda:

2. Approval of Minutes:

Approve Minutes of April 2, 2019 Regular Meeting and April 8, 2019 Special Meeting

3. Public Requests:

At the Discretion of the Commission Chair. For Information Only (No Action Can Be Taken). Comments are limited

to three minutes per person on subjects not on this published agenda.

4. Elected Officials/Department Heads Reports:

Clerk’s Office – Stephanie Hicks Planning/GIS – Johnny Montiel Road Department – Ricky Lovato Manager – Amber Hamilton Commissioners

The Commission may take action on any item listed.

a. Report of Road Viewer Committee Regarding Requested Closure of NRR AK between NRR 2 1/2 and NRR 3 and Possible Action in Regards to Closure Request–Ricky Lovato

b. Consideration of Eastern Plains Council of Governments Membership for Roosevelt County – Commissioner Dixon/Sandy Chancey

c. Request for Approval of FY20 County Fire Protection Fund Application for Arch Volunteer Fire Department – Amber Hamilton

d. Request for Approval of FY20 County Fire Protection Fund Application for Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department – Amber Hamilton

6. Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:

a. Consideration of Proclamation Designating the First Full Week of May as National Correctional Employees Week – Justin Porter

7. Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:

a. Consideration of Contract for Telecommunications and Utility Accounts Audit with Troy & Banks Consultants – Amber Hamilton

b. Consideration of Contract Services Agreement for Communication Services with Yucca Telecom – Amber Hamilton

c. Request for Approval to Contract for FY19 Financial Audit with Cordova CPAs LLC Upon Approval by the Office of the State Auditor

– Amber Hamilton

5. New Business:

d. Request for Ratification of FY20 Preliminary Local Government Road Fund Awards from NM Department of Transportation – Amber Hamilton

8. Executive Session: Pursuant to 10-15-1 N.M.S.A. (1978) H (2) limited personnel matters and (7) attorney-client privileged information pertaining to threatened or pending litigation, specifically the McFarlin vs. Roosevelt County, Hernandez vs. Roosevelt County, Parrish vs. Roosevelt County, Natural Chem Holdings, National Prescription Opiate Litigation, and NMTRD Litigation.

a. Any action necessary as a result of the closed executive session.

9. Media Communication

10. Adjourn

COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP— Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. Roosevelt County Courthouse Commission Room

NEXT REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING — Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. Roosevelt County Courthouse Commission Room

This is to certify that a copy of this agenda was emailed to local and regional media outlets, a copy was provided to the County Clerk’s Office, and posted on the Roosevelt County website by Friday, April 12, 2019 by 11:30 p.m.