City of Portales Local Small Business COVID-19 Relief Program

The City of Portales in conjunction with Roosevelt County Community Development Corporation is sponsoring a second Local Small Business COVID-19 Relief Program to assist local businesses which have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This program is funded through Economic Development gross receipts tax collections by the City. Total grant funds available are $200,000, and awards will be made based upon funds availability and business eligibility. Eligible businesses which apply may only receive a conditional grant for a portion of their request depending upon the number of and dollar amount of requests. This assistance is only intended to provide businesses with immediate, short-term cash flow assistance for the days from March 17, 2020 thru May 31, 2020. These funds will not be used to pay debts incurred prior to the March 17th public health order.

Applications are available on the City of Portales’s website at Applications will only be accepted electronically. Completed applications and required documentation must be submitted in full to no later than 12:00 pm (Noon) Wednesday June , June 24, 2020.* Conditional Grant award notifications will be made beginning July 3, 2020.