Portales, NM – Roosevelt County in collaboration with the City of Portales applied for and received a New Mexico Clean and Beautiful grant through the NM Tourism Department. As part of this grant award, tipping fees for all Roosevelt County residents (county-wide) will be waived on Dec. 7-8, 2022 from 12 pm to 4 pm.  The Portales Convenience Center is located at 1230 N Avon the corner of Kaywood and Avon Street, and will be accepting two pickup loads or one trailer load per household at no charge. Items accepted freely include household trash, mattresses, furniture and appliances without freon.   Items not accepted are tires, appliances that hold freon coolant, shingles and no commercial dumping.

Roosevelt County personnel continually combats illegal dumping. These illegal dump sites on County roads can cause harmful environmental issues, negatively impact neighborhoods, and create significant safety issues.

“Illegal dumpsites can cause unhealthy environmental issues and major safety issues,” noted Special Projects Coordinator Carol Acosta-Flores. “County personnel within the Road Department and Sheriff’s Office expend a lot of time and resources investigating and clean up these illegal dumpsites. The City’s Convenience Center provides a central location for all residents to properly dispose of their trash items.”

The Roosevelt County Commissioners adopted a resolution prohibiting illegal dumping and authorizing a reward for information leading to the conviction of persons who illegally dump in the unincorporated areas of the County. The Board has also invested in additional technology to combat illegal dumping. Click here to view the resolution 2019-16.

“Carol worked closely with City personnel to plan and apply for these grant funds as a creative way to combat illegal dumping,” stated County Manager Amber Hamilton. “We also encourage residents to participate in our ‘If you see something, say something!’ campaign and report any illegal dumping activity you witness. You can report this by calling the Roosevelt County Crimestoppers at 575-356-8100 or the Sheriff’s Office non-emergency line at 575.356.4408.”

We urge constituents to take advantage of these free days to bring your large trash items to the Portales City Convenience Center. If you have questions on items accepted, please contact the Convenience Center at 575-356-8664. For additional information or questions please contact Carol at the County Administrative Offices at 575-356-5307.
