As a follow-up to Director Krebs’ comments on today’s Stakeholder Call, I’ve attached the following documents for your reference and review:

  • CISA Guidance on the Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During the COVID-19 Response
  • As the Nation’s risk advisor, CISA is issuing guidance to help government and private sector partners clarify the scope of critical infrastructure and identify key personnel who are essential in operating critical systems and assets, in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Critical infrastructure requires continuity and resilience in order to maintain the health and economic wellbeing of communities and the Nation. This also requires coordination between government and the private sector to ensure key employees are able to get to work.
  • The critical functions listed include, but are not limited to, systems that support healthcare personnel (e.g., doctors, nurses, laboratory personnel, etc.), the food industry (e.g., retail groceries and pharmacies), communication providers (e.g., operator, call centers, IT data centers), defense systems support, law enforcement, public works, and other essential operations.
  • CISA urges all levels of government who may be considering access restrictions, shelter-in-place, quarantine, and non-essential-business-closure orders to consider reasonable accommodations for essential workers supporting critical infrastructure functions.
  • This guidance can also be found online at:
  • Should you have any questions after reviewing this guidance, please don’t hesitate to give me a call or
  • COVID-19 Eligible Emergency Protective Measures Fact Sheet
  • Consistent with the President’s national emergency declaration for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on March 13, 2020, FEMA urges officials to, without delay, take appropriate actions that are necessary to protect public health and safety pursuant to public health guidance and conditions and capabilities in their jurisdictions.
  • This Fact Sheet provides guidance on the types of emergency protective measures that may be eligible under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program in accordance with the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration in order to ensure that resource constraints do not inhibit efforts to respond to this unprecedented disaster.

Best regards,

Sarah E. Gambill

Protective Security Advisor, New Mexico

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Phone: 202-738-0386
