Gun Control Debate Rages
One of the bigger debates to hit the fan this week in Santa Fe was legislation that would require background checks on gun transfers. Law enforcement, including virtually all of the state’s sheriff’s offices have come out against this measure. The law could mean that even something as simple as loaning or giving a firearm to a relative could spur the expense and hassle of a background check. This idea has people fired up. Watch SB 48 and HB 50.

Closing Loopholes on Internet GRT
One of the bills that popped up this week that we like the idea of is HB 201 sponsored by Carl Trujillo of Santa Fe. It would expand the New Mexico gross receipts tax to some vendors outside the state with no physical presence inside our borders. It targets the larger out-of-state sellers that are currently getting a free ride. The Bill passed through the House Business and Industry Committee easily early this week.

Data Breach Notification
Another bill, HB 15 which seeks to pass law requiring businesses to notify consumers when their data bases have been breached has moved forward this week with a “do-pass” coming out of the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. This bill appears to be a positive for consumers but we want to watch and study it as it moves along because of the possibility of placing further regulatory burden on businesses.

Marijuana Survey Lights Up
As promised we’ve launched a poll through Survey Monkey about our area’s position on recreational marijuana. You can reach it at the Chamber’s Facebook page or follow the link below and let us know how you feel. We’ll report back on the results.

Legislative Website’s the Bomb
We’re finding the new website for the New Mexico Legislature a breeze to navigate. If you haven’t checked it out already find it here