“You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened.” Genesis 50:20 (GNT)
I think-in all of Scripture-if there was ever a guy that should get a “pass” for blowing up at someone, it should have been Joseph. With all that had happened to him, I don’t think ANY of us would fault him for “letting off some steam” as it were! But even with that ammunition, he just wanted to be God’s Man.
Some backstory: He was “Daddy’s Favorite”-of 12 boys, he and his younger brother were the ones that Dad (Jacob) loved the most. Dad got him a special present-a Colorful Coat (For which, Andrew Lloyd Webber would write a musical and get rich!) and that set off jealousy between the siblings. Then later, he had dreams that those brothers would serve him. I’m sure THAT went over well! When the brothers got the chance to get rid of him, they did, and made a fast buck in the process. And he was sold into slavery by the very ones that should have protected him.
As a slave, he worked hard and “God was with him.” (Gen. 39:2) He worked for Potiphar-did the right things…and yet he was punished for it. While he was in jail, he served people and did the right things…and he was forgotten. Every time he TRIED to help, or SERVED in the correct way…it seemed to bite him! Shouldn’t he be ALLOWED a little self pity???
At the end of the story, Joseph has yet again been elevated to a position of leadership, because “God was with him.” And those same brothers-the ones that betrayed him, sold him, and were willing to kill him-were the ones bowing before him begging for help! Finally…he’s gonna get some PAYBACK!! Finally…he gets to say “I told you so!” in a super loud voice…with the great music, and laughter…and smacks down those evil brothers!!!! But no…that’s not how it played out.
His statement from Genesis 50:20 is one of the most powerful HEART statements I think I’ve ever read. He had the power to smack down his brothers. He had the situation where revenge would be not only valid, but probably expected. And yet he chose to glorify God.
No self-pity. No anger. No nasty posts on Asher’s Facebook page or Issachar’s Instagram account. He just looked at the big picture and said, “you meant it for evil…but God used it for good.”
What would YOU do? You have a chance for the ultimate revenge…you get to be the Deliverer of the Wrath of God…do YOU let it go? Maybe you’re reading this right now, and someone has stabbed you in the back. Maybe you’re dealing with a co-worker and it’s just not going well. Maybe…the strife is in your home. Do you get EVEN…or do you let God handle it?
Maybe…what YOU are going through…could help someone else? Or maybe it could take you down. Take some time today to reflect on the grudges YOU are holding and what causes you anger…and then give those to God. Let HIM turn your ashes into something beautiful. Let HIM deal out the wrath to who hurt you. Let HIM get glory in your home and in your workplace! Because when it’s in God’s hands, the bad things in your life…can become something good.
Shalom Alacheim, Don