“Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6
When Jesus started His Preaching Ministry, He didn’t start in a cathedral, but on the side of a mountain. And it really wasn’t a great MOUNTAIN…it was sort of a bump. So He preaches His “Sermon on the Bump” from Matthew 5, and preaches these “Paradoxes.” He says things that don’t usually go together. Some have called it (and I love this term) “The Upside Down Kingdom.” Instead of coming as a King, Jesus came in a stable. Instead of preaching to the masses, He speaks to a bunch of messes. And He joins together phrases-that though they seem to be opposite-show the outlook of a new Kingdom!
Some versions start all these statements with “Blessed,” which is a good word. You WILL BE BLESSED if you live these ways! Some use the word “Happy” and living in the attitude and Spirit that Jesus encourages WILL bring happiness and joy! But I was reading, recently and one scholar said a good translation here is the word “FULL.” You will be FULL of God when you live like He suggests!
But that makes THIS statement that much more powerful: FULL are those that are HUNGRY! And He is speaking to people that deal with hunger REGULARLY! They didn’t have grocery stores and canned goods on the shelf. They rarely kept stockpiles of food. And a bad season or a sickness…and hunger could REALLY be a big deal! Jesus seems to ENCOURAGE hunger here…but a DIFFERENT kind of hunger! He wants us to be HUNGRY for a right relationship with Him!
Suppose you know someone that is REALLY hungry. I mean, she hasn’t had a meal in several days. She comes into your house and sees a fresh loaf of Pumpkin bread on the table and a pitcher of lemonade. She COULD ask for a simple slice and a small glass of lemonade. However, if she’s totally famished…she might ask for EVERYTHING on the table! It might offend our “cultural orms”…but at a point of empty, I doubt she cares about being Miss Manners, right?
That’s the mindset Jesus is challenging us to have…STARVING for HIM! I want more…and more…and more! And He is FINE with that! He wants us FAMISHED of the world and just can’t WAIT to get into His Word! He wants us to be parched dry from the promises of this place…and drink from HIS Well.
And you can be eating…and still be malnourished! There’s a lot of bad stuff out there that has no redeeming qualities in our world: deep friend Twinkies, cotton candy, and of course, KALE! (Sorry, not sorry) Too often, we try to satisfy our emptiness with things that bring no nutrition…and I’m not talking about just our stomachs! We keep thinking that WORK will satisfy me, and RELATIONSHIPS will give my life meaning…when, in reality, we are just hungry, and not filling our souls with something that sustains us! God says: I want you HUNGRY…because I can give you what you need to be FULL! And not just satisfied for a meal or a morning…but “Bread” that will fill you for the rest of your life!
Are you HUNGRY? I mean REALLY starving for Him? Stop trying to SNACK on God-just a little on Sunday morning or K-LOVE on the radio. DIG IN!! The Table is set. He’s got a FEAST ready for you…let Jesus fill your needs and your wants. And all who thirst…will thirst no more.
Shalom Alachiem,