“Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, You inspire shouts of joy.” Psalms 65:8 NLT

I read a quote from a Romanian-French Playwright named Eugene Ionesco that said: “Over-explanation separates us from astonishment.” (Before you start getting all “wowed” at my knowledge of Romanian-French Playwrights and sign me up for Jeopardy try-outs…it was just a quote!)

But Mr. Ionesco makes a powerful statement! Too many times we try to EXPLAIN God and why He does what He does. I wonder if we miss the opportunity to be WOWED by just who He is?

It’s very tempting to try to cram God and His Wonders into a box of “explainable products.” It’s in our nature to what to understand things and why they work. We want answers & certain-ness…But God frequently says, “Your ways are NOT like my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)

So when the “STORMS” come, how do explain them? Maybe…you don’t. Maybe…you just TRUST in the midst of the storm. And you declare that God is bigger than your storm and your answers!

It’s very easy to be ANGRY at God for not answering you and giving you the “WHY did this happen?” Maybe in His silence, God is giving you a better answer. For your good…and His Glory! It is a solid reminder that what I think is good for me and what God declares is for my GOOD…just might be 2 separate things!

Can you pray that prayer this week: “Do things for me God, that are for my good…and for YOUR Glory.”? Can you put your TRUST in a God that speaks universes into existence…and still not understand what He is doing in this universe? You bet you can! It’s called FAITH! And it will give you more peace than any “answer” ever would!

Richard Rohr once said (Sorry…more quotes, I know…yes, I got a new “Book of Quotes” recently!): Wonder provides a gateway to wise insight.” Our praise team sings a song that echoes those thoughts: “Let all my life tell of WHO YOU ARE, and the Wonder of Your never-ending Love!”

Take time today…to WONDER at God!  Breathe in how powerful He is after a rainstorm! Soak in His comfort as your day has gone haywire…and remember that He is still there for you! Listen to laughter, and even tears…and say “Do for YOUR glory, what you can in my life…and make it for my good!”

Today…don’t try to EXPLAIN God. Just be amazed at Him!

Shalom Alachiem,      Don

Wednesdays in the Word
Starting January 24!

After a long break, we are starting again this week! This is a wonderful time of prayer, encouragement, and study from 10-11am down in Ken’s Classroom! We are going to deep-dive into the book of Romans! It’s for all ages…and doesn’t cost anything! If you are available in the mornings, think about joining this study! You’ll be blessed for sure!


AMP, Sunday Nights!
at the Campus House
5 – 6:30 pm JH and HS

Coming Soon!
SuperBowl Party, Feb 11


Spectrum, Tuesday nights!

Join us at the Campus House (223 S Ave K)
Meal at 6:30 pm, Bible Study at 7

Thank you to everyone who signed up to provide meals for our college students!
As a reminder, here are the next few weeks volunteers:
Jan 30 Karla Partin
Feb 6 Gaynelle Thomas
Feb 13 Sarah Taylor, Darren Burgin
Feb 20 Sheila Hays
Feb 27 Clint & Amber Hamilton
If you didn’t get a chance to sign up, we have four dates still available for this semester –
(March 5, March 26, April 23, May 7).
If you are interested in one of those dates, please let us know!




Now that we know the Cowboys nor the Broncos will be in it…we can settle down and get ready to EAT!! Our Annual Football Bash will be at the Campus House on Sunday afternoon Feb. 11 with FOOD, Fun, Laughter…and togetherness! (And there actually MIGHT be a football game there too!) Make plans to attend and let Caitlin know if you can help!

The Board of Meals on Wheels has reached out to Central to see if we would help deliver meals. Many of you do this through service clubs and other organizations, and we are VERY GRATEFUL! We are looking for someone that could coordinate that for us here at Central. If you have a heart for this Ministry and would like to head up getting volunteers for us for this, would you contact Candace at the Church Office and she will help get you to the people that lead that Ministry. Central Christian FINANCIALLY supports this work through our Missions Program…maybe God is calling us to be PHYSICALLY support it to?? If God is laying that on your heart, please reach out!


Saturday, January 27, 2024
CoffeeStop:  need volunteer
Greeters: Rita Hill, Stan Mixon
Communion Meditation:  Don Nickles
Nursery:  Evie Williams
No KidZone

Sunday, January 28, 2024
 Robbie Carpenter
(10:30) Barb & Randall Stattman

Jay & Robbie Carpenter
(10:30) Kayle Liechty

Communion Meditation:  Dennis Kerg
Prayer Team:  Dustin Hall, Tammy Hunton

Nursery: Jessica Camacho
Pre-K: Samantha Schrader
Kindergarten: Kathy Mead, Kloe Ruiz
KidZone:  Ginger Peterson

Elder of the Month:  Glenn Johnson

It will be here before we know it!
As the final semester for some students begins, we would like to know who will be graduating this year so we can help celebrate them and their accomplishment.  If you have a student who will be graduating this spring, please let us know!

Feb 11 AMP Superbowl Party
Feb 18 NO Amp
Feb 19 Pastoral Board Meeting
Feb 23-24 XO Conference
Mar 31 Easter Sunday
June 17-21 AMP Summer Camp
July 8-12 Elementary Camp


Join us as we pray for:
  • LaDoris Good – in hospital
  • Ron Jackson – on Transplant List
  • Don Criss – double pneumonia
  • Hunter Rackler – torn achilles
  • Ken & Shirley Broad – health, strength
  • several sick in the community
  • Charles & LaDoris Good – moved to Wheatfields Estates (4701 North Prince St, Apt 104, Clovis NM 88101). They have their same cell phones.
  • Dazjohn Preston – Home recovering from treatments at Cooks Childrens Hospital
  • Samantha Preston (Dazjohn’s mom) – strength and peace for the road ahead
  • Dave Green – health issues/crisis
  • Meeker Family – At Baptist Children’s Home in 90’s-Daughter Crystal-just passed from cancer, Jack (Dad) is recovering from cancer, and son-in-law Cory has cancer & just lost wife Crystal (2 kids-age 10, 4)
  • Grant Guledge (Jennifer Gonzales’ uncle) – cancer

Baby WatchMike & Jaime Uanino, due 2/1/2024Rick & Cayli Bergman – due 3/2024
Tanner & Tayler Faver – due 4/19/2024
Andy & Sami Shelton – girl, due 4/2024
Anthony & Kristin Schillingburg – due 6/25/24
Military Watch:Ricky Lovato, Chris Worley, Cody Medlock, Skyler Partin, Diego Castro
Health Watch:David Gossett, Kim Merrick, Crystal May, Kyle Richardson, Webb & Deborah Hutchens, Tim Martinez, Clifford Hugg, Ken & Shirley Broad, Charles & LaDoris Good, Tom Banks, John Bridges, Leroy Thomas, Karen Ingram, RaeNelle Walker

Let Me Be Frank – 

10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” 
11 “No, Lord,” she said.  And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
John 8:10-11

Let’s be honest… it was a trap.  That’s the reason why the man wasn’t with the woman caught in adultery.  According to Mosaic law, both the man and woman would be stoned for their actions.  So, the scribes and Pharisees hatched a plan to trap Jesus.  The woman was a pawn, an object needed to complete the plan.  There was no way for Jesus to acknowledge and accept the Mosaic law and spare the woman.  He would be caught, for sure.

There is a theory that Jesus bent down and wrote the names of the religious leaders in the sand next to their sins.  The Bible doesn’t say, it’s just a theory.  But can you imagine looking down in the sand and seeing those things you have tried so hard to hide.  There, amid arrogance and pride, your darkest fears are on display for all to see.

O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who forsake you shall be put to shame;
those who turn away from you[c] shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living water.
Jeremiah 17:13

This is the verse the theory comes from.  Notice “written in the earth” and “fountain of living water.”  This is the only record (I have found) in Scripture of Jesus writing anything.  Jesus, Living Water, writes in the earth those who turn away.

One by one, the oldest to the youngest, the religious leaders leave, and Jesus is left with the woman and the crowd.  Would this change their hearts?  Would this day be the turning point for those who had little room for mercy and grace?

What does this mean for you and me?  When we are REMINDED of our sin, we realize we all fall short.  It’s hard to accuse someone when you realize you’re in the same boat.  Different sin, same heart.  We need living water to cleanse us, Holy Spirit to guide us, and God to direct our steps.

“Neither do I.  Go and sin no more.”  In Jesus’ mercy He withholds punishment and in grace He challenges her heart.  Go, be different.  Go, tell people that there is a different way.  Go, and look at the piles of rocks intended for you.  Today you have new life.

For the hard-hearted, there is grace.  For the wayward, there is mercy.

To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.

May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

L1 – Love God

L2 – Love Others

Our mission – our action plan – our best hope.

We are Central and we’re in this together!