“The Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be pregnant. She will have a son, and she will name him ‘Immanuel’.” Isaiah 7:14

Is it IMMANUEL or EMMANUEL? I never can figure that out! Sometimes, the name given to the baby born from a virgin mother begins with the letter “I”…sometimes, it begins with an “E”-is there a reason? It turns out, YES. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew & Aramaic, and it begins with an “I” there. But the New Testament was written in Greek, and it begins with an “E” in that language. So, typically if the verse is from OT, then it begins with “I” and if it’s NT, then it begins with “E.” Phew…now THAT’S cleared up…let’s go have Christmas!!

It isn’t the SPELLING that is important…it’s THE MEANING!  And in both testaments the meaning is the same: GOD IS WITH US!

GOD WITH US. Now THAT is a game-changer! He is with us when our family is growing…and He is with us when our family is meeting at the Funeral Home. He is with us when we win the big game…and He is with us when the doctor “needs to run more tests.” The God of the Universe, who spoke galaxies into existence, now exists in the baby Jesus. And that Baby that grew to be our Savior, left us a “Comforter” to live INSIDE US! GOD WITH US!

It’s funny to me that the first miracle we see from the ministry of Jesus is at the behest of His Mother-to make sure the party continues! (See John 2 and the Wedding at Cana) What begins with a loss and an emptiness ends in joy, laughter, and family…because GOD IS WITH US! He brought the Goodness of God into the celebration of a wedding! I don’t think there were a ton of witnesses to this powerful display, but it was the beginning of many actions that PROVED the point that the angel told Mary: GOD IS WITH US!

This season is chaotic and crazy-parties and packages and cookies and cooking and getting all we need can sometimes be OVERWHELMING! Don’t miss this message of Christmas: GOD IS STILL WITH US!! He is the “Great I Am!”…not the “Great I Was” or the “Great I Will Be!” He is HERE…and He is WITH YOU! Even if you don’t get the house completely clean or perfectly decorated…even if not EVERYONE can be at your Holiday Celebration…Even if the gifts are not ALL you want to give your kids, don’t forget this: GOD WITH US IS THE GREATEST GIFT WE’VE EVER BEEN GIVEN!

Now go enjoy your Holiday Events…but don’t lose sight of what that name means:
GOD IS WITH US…and He will never leave us alone!
Now THAT is a Merry Christmas!!

Shalom and Good Tidings to All!

Join us for combined services, at 10 am, Dec 24 and Dec 31. 
There will be no KidZone or childcare provided on those days.

 Also note:  There will be NO Saturday night services on Dec 23 or Dec 30.  


4:00pm and 6:00pm!

Make plans to join us for a VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE…TIMES TWO! We will have special music, worship together, communion and a candlelight send-off! It will be special…please bring your friends and family…to EITHER service!

We are taking a holiday break so our staff can spend time with their families and celebrate Christmas.
The office will be closed next week and we will
not be sending out an email next Wednesday (Dec 27).  



To give our volunteers a holiday break, we will not be scheduling servers or teachers for 12/24 or 12/31. 
Join us at 10 am, for combined services for the next two Sundays!  

L1 – Love God

L2 – Love Others

Our mission – our action plan – our best hope.
We are Central and we’re in this together!

We are so grateful for you!  You should be getting a thank-you gift from us as a small token of our appreciation!  We are Central… and we’re in this together!

Dec 24 COMBINED Worship Service (10 am)Dec 24 Christmas Eve Service (4 & 6 pm)Dec 31 COMBINED Worship Service (10 am)
AMP is on Holiday Break,
Dec 17-31 



Join us as we pray for:

  • Webb Hutchens – in RGH with flu
  • Those traveling for the holidays
  • Flu and Sickness going around – Lots are dealing with sniffles and struggles
  • Gary Whited – health & dialysis
  • Elijah (8 yr. old Grandson of Dale Cole) – Cyst on his brain
  • Grant Guledge (Jennifer Gonzales’ uncle) – cancer
  • Crystal May – health
  • Kim Merrick – home on hospice
  • David Gossett – recovery
  • Leroy Thomas – health
  • Tom Banks – continued good health
  • Ricky Lovato – US Army, on the ground in Lebanon

Baby WatchCollin & Molly Thomas – girl, due 12/23Steven & Joanna Schultz – boy, due 1/24
Mike & Jaime Uanino, due 2/1/2024Rick & Cayli Bergman – due 3/2024
Tanner & Tayler Faver – due 4/19/2024
Andy & Sami Shelton – girl, due 4/2024
Anthony & Kristin Schillingburg – due 6/25/24Military Watch:Ricky Lovato, Chris Worley, Cody Medlock, Skyler Partin, Diego CastroHealth Watch:Kyle Richardson, Webb & Deborah Hutchens, Tim Martinez, Clifford Hugg, Ken & Shirley Broad, Charles & LaDoris Good, Tom Banks, John Bridges, Leroy Thomas, Karen Ingram, RaeNelle Walker

 Let Me Be Frank –
10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Luke 2:10

There are so many subplots to the Christmas story, but my favorite is the story of the shepherds.  I love how ordinary people are greeted by the divine.  The angel starts with, “Fear not!” and I can see why those were the first words spoken.

Have you ever been overwhelmed?  Caden asked that question this past weekend.  He knows that everyone, at some point, has been overwhelmed… in over their head… scared of the outcome.  I know something about that subject too, so I wanted to focus on it for my article.  The Lord wanted me to go deeper.

The shepherds were ordinary folk, but they knew the appearance of “the glory of the Lord” means one of two things.  Divine favor or divine judgement.  They were out in the middle of nowhere and had no reason to be visited by an angel.  They held no prestige; they had no power.  The sheep listened, but that was about it.

They went with divine judgement, I would think.  I mean, why on earth would it be divine favor?  Had they done anything to deserve that?!?  I’m a creative guy, and my counselor says I write endings to stories before I know what happens next.  You tell me, “Hey, I need to talk to you about something next week” and I will write a novel in my head about possibilities that will never come to pass.  Which brings me to the second question I’ve pondered this week.

What have you unlearned today?

I know, lifelong learning is encouraged.  Knowledge is wonderful, but we learned some things along the way that aren’t true.  Here are some truths to replace them with.
God loves you.
His love is not based on your actions.
Just because you’re ordinary, doesn’t mean you’re not important.
Love doesn’t keep score.

And finally, when the “glory of the Lord” appears we should stop and listen.

The shepherds braced themselves for what was coming.  Maybe you live your life that way too.  “I knew this was going to happen!”  What have you unlearned today?  The Lord is not out to get you.  He is not keeping score.  When we draw near, when we live in the Light, when our hope is in Christ, we change.  This change happens because of Holy Spirit’s work in us.

I think the shepherds stood a little straighter that day.  I bet they gathered around for generations to come telling the story of that night.  I know they never saw God the same way again.

What’s your response?  What have you unlearned today?
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –