“Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’ ”
Matthew 25:37-40 (MSG)

There’s TONS of fun trivia about Christmas out there…all over the interwebs.
Did you know that “It’s A Wonderful Life” was a box office FLOP? It’s true! When it came out, it was largely overlooked. It wasn’t until 1974 the original copyright expired, and it was shown on TV. Republic Pictures quickly bought the rights, but again in 1993, the rights expired…and EVERY channel seemed to show it non-stop! In 1994, NBC/Paramount bought exclusive Long-term rights to the movie, which is now a classic & very loved!
Did you know that the 2018 Animated movie “The Grinch” is the largest grossing Christmas movie of all time? It’s brought in nearly a BILLION dollars worldwide since its release! Many think “Home Alone” is the highest grossing…but it has fallen to #2 behind Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice over!
And of course, you probably know (and if you didn’t…HOW???) that Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” is not only the best-selling CHRISTMAS song of all time, but it is actually the Best-selling SINGLE of all time! (You’re singing it in your head now, aren’t you?)

But one of my favorite bits of trivia about Christmas is this: Why do we leave milk & cookies for Santa? This practice started in the early 1900’s, but it really took root in the Great Depression. Many parents were facing sparse Christmas gifts and sadness, but they wanted to train kids to keep alive their charitable spirits. So, in an act of love and charity, the kids were encouraged to “leave a gift for Santa Claus.”

Maybe that last one needs to be explored a little more: Training people to keep alive a CHARITABLE spirit! It doesn’t take 2 minutes of interacting with society today to see the negative side of our culture. From protesting wars to political spats, to death and disease and conflicts at home and at work… it can destroy ANYONE’S desire to be charitable!

But Jesus comes along to turn our world UPSIDE DOWN! (Blatant plug for the current sermon series and decorations in our auditorium!) The birth of this baby signified that EVERYTHING was going to be different! It was no longer about how much I GET…but in how much I GIVE!

We have SO MANY opportunities to be LIKE JESUS…but will we do it? We have the Red Kettles out every year…will we fill them BIGGER? We see single parents in our church family…will we HELP them? We know there is Food Insecurity in our town…what will you and I do about it? There are HURTING people right here in Portales…maybe we need to put down the protests and rebuild the charitable spirit?

The message of Christmas is that ETERNAL GOD CAME NEAR…and He showed us HOW to share His love! Let’s go do that this season! May you and I be the CHARITY that our community needs!

Shalom Alachiem – Peace Over Your Household      


Thank you to everyone who signed up for bell ringing!  This is a great time to get your KIDS involved! Sing Christmas Carols, talk to people, bless the town…and every penny stays right here in Portales!! Let’s do this Central…because we ARE in this together!  

*OOPS!  Something has come up and we have a cancellation for Friday, 3-4 pm, at Walmart.  If you can fill that spot, please let us know, ASAP.

VOLUNTEERS!  We are so grateful for you!  You should be getting a thank-you gift from us as a small token of our appreciation!  We are Central… and we’re in this together!



Dec 10 Christmas Party (5-7 pm) 
We will have a gas station gift exchange ($5-10 limit) and a brownie competition!  See Caitlin with any questions.
Dec 17-31 AMP Holiday Break

The company we use for our Livestream services has been bought out and will close Dec. 31. We will keep you up to date on the new format & how to continue to watch (don’t worry…it will be hopefully be EASIER to watch than ever!)
But the services we have ARCHIVED will be going away as well…so if you have a PARTICULAR video that you would like to have, BE SURE TO CONTACT FRANKLIN BEFORE Dec. 15! All of our sermons are available via AUDIO on our website currently, but if you had a particular video that you would like (funeral, special event, etc) please reach out as soon as possible!

New Ladies Class begins January 22
Join us for a 7-week study, The Gospel on the Ground by Kristi McLelland.
Babysitting will be available!
Please order your book online:  Amazon, Lifeway, Christian Books, etc.

TIC is our Text in Church text messaging service!  Want to get plugged in?  Text “Loop” to 575.300.5925.  We won’t share your personal info with anyone, but we will check in to see if you have any prayer requests.  We’ll even let you know of upcoming events.  Text “Loop” to 575.300.5925 to get started.  And, if you’re already in, thank you for being “in the loop!”


Saturday, December 9, 2023CoffeeStop: Sierra & Sterling StubbsGreeters: Darrell & Donna CliftonCommunion Meditation: Kyle Harris
Nursery: Brian & Sara Cox  *No KidZone this weekSunday, December 10, 2023CoffeeStop:(8:15)  Bill & Joeli Cathey(10:30) Pat FlemingGreeters:(8:15) Jay & Robbie Carpenter(10:30) Dave & Noah GreenCommunion Meditation:  Scott ReevesPrayer Team:  Mike Cone, Samantha SchraderNursery: Malia PoyerPre-K:  Bill & Joeli CatheyKindergarten:  Kathy MeadKidZone:  Ginger Peterson Elder / Deacon of the Month: Wes Weems

Dec 8-9 Red Kettle Bell RingingDec 24 COMBINED Worship Service (10 am)Dec 24 Christmas Eve Service (4 & 6 pm)Dec 31 COMBINED Worship Service (10 am)


Join us as we pray for:

  • Elijah (8 yr. old Grandson of Dale Cole) – Cyst on his brain
  • Grant Guledge (Jennifer Gonzales’ uncle) – cancer
  • Crystal May – health
  • Students and teachers finishing the semester
  • Kim Merrick – home on hospice
  • David Gossett – recovery
  • Pauline Clark (Pat Fleming’s mom) – moved to assisted living
  • Leroy Thomas – health
  • Tom Banks – continued good health
  • Ricky Lovato – US Army, on the ground in Lebanon
  • Nancy Worley – upcoming Dr appts
  • Pray for Israel!

Baby WatchCollin & Molly Thomas – girl, due 12/23Steven & Joanna Schultz – boy, due 1/24
Mike & Jaime Uanino, due 2/1/2024Rick & Cayli Bergman – due 3/2024
Anthony & Kristin Schillingburg – due 6/25/24Military Watch:Ricky Lovato, Chris Worley, Cody Medlock, Skyler Partin, Diego CastroHealth Watch:Kyle Richardson, Webb & Deborah Hutchens, Tim Martinez, Clifford Hugg, Ken & Shirley Broad, Charles & LaDoris Good, Tom Banks, John Bridges, Karen Ingram, RaeNelle Walker

Let Me Be Frank – 
13“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13

There are two types of waiting.  The “BOOM* (our puppers)” wait and the “we only have two more sleeps” wait.  Both are waiting, but with very different mindsets.  As we begin our advent journey together we WAIT for the ARRIVAL of Christ our King… and how we wait makes all the difference in the world.

What is advent, exactly?  From the, “Advent means “arrival” and signifies the start of an event or the arrival of a person. In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth.”  HOPE is the focus word for the first week.

Boom and I have a routine.  He has an appointment at Laundromutt (real name) every three weeks.  When we first started going, he would see me walk into the yard and would run around until I got tired.  Then I would lull him into a false sense of security and grab him.  Then, off to Laundromutt.  That morphed into him trying to hide behind a shrub.  I found him.  Now, when I walk into the yard on a Tuesday morning, he walks aways for a couple of steps and lays down.  He doesn’t move, he sits there because he knows what’s coming.  As the dread sets in, the BOOM shakes start.  He doesn’t mind the nice people at Laundromutt, he’s just waiting and worried.  Something may happen and he might not like it.

We would tell our kids (when they were younger) “in two more sleeps we’re going to see family.”  Or “five more sleeps and it will be Christmas.”  Even now, when Marea and I are apart from each other because one of us is traveling we say, “two more sleeps and I’ll see you again.”  We look forward in the waiting.  Our hearts are filled with anticipation.  Reunions, events, the promise of something amazing around the corner… we wait with expectant hearts.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him.”  It’s not a cliché, it’s a choice.  I’ve said I’m an Eeyore.  I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak, so I anticipate that something bad could be around the bend.  I get the BOOM shakes and forget He is close, but hope will overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit when I draw near.

Live in anticipation of the coming of Christ.  Look forward to more in Him.  Wait, not in dread and longing, but in joy and hope.  He’s already conquered the grave.  I get it, you’re not sure He wants to handle your mess.  You don’t think He has time for you.  He does… He’s waiting too.  Take that first step.

Emmanuel is “God with us.”  And if God is with you, then He’s not against you.  Quit boxing the air, let hope reign in your heart as you rest in Him.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –



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