“See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.” I Thessalonians 5:15

“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya…you killed my father…prepare to die.” It’s one of the greatest lines in movie history! It comes from The Princess Bride, and the character (played brilliantly by Mandy Pantikin!) gives his whole life’s purpose in that sentence. He’s spent his life bent on revenge-trying to find the 6-Fingered Man who murdered his Dad. Honestly, for most of my life, I thought his name was INDIGO (like the color blue) but that’s irrelevant. He’s fun, he’s lovable…and you want to root for him!

Of course, at the end of the movie, he does in fact meet Count Rugen in a sword fight and gets to say his famous line over and over…yelling it at the Count as he finishes him off! But another interesting line comes shortly thereafter in a windowsill, visiting with Wesley. “It’s very strange. I’ve been in the revenge business so long, now that it’s over…I don’t know what to do with my life.” In the movie…it’s funny! He gets to take over the role of the “Dread Pirate Roberts” and they all live happily ever after! (It IS a kissing book, after all!)

But that statement in real life…is sad. And many live where Inigo was…and they can’t seem to change it. Now I doubt many of us are trying to avenge the murder of one of our parents, but we CAN hold on to a mindset of “get even!” In small, subtle ways, we try to get back at those who have hurt us and try to even the score. We ignore, we gossip, we block followers, we quietly undermine people…but that all comes from a heart bent toward revenge and self-promotion.

Paul offers a DIFFERENT thinking in this verse from I Thessalonians. He says we should “Build up…not tear down!” Give up this IDOL of “getting even” and trade it for the way of “being like Jesus!” Franklin shared this weekend that “knowledge PUFFS up but love BUILDS UP…” and that is a “One Another” mindset that we ALL should have!e sHe

Where are YOU trying to “get even?” What bad memory keeps plaguing you and won’t let you go? CHOOSE TODAY to let GOD carry that memory…and you focus on doing good to those that hurt you!

And please note, if you OBEY this command, you are NOT “letting them off the hook.” You are putting the ability to administer punishment and demand restitution in the hands of the One that actually is QUALIFIED to be a Judge! “Vengence is mine. I will repay. Says the Lord” (Rom. 12:19) God will handle the crime and He will make sure it is paid for in some way. Our job is to be an ANOTHERER! Always trying to do good to ALL people…even those that hurt you!

This week, try to INTENTIONALLY look for ways to bless someone that annoys you or has hurt you. If it’s not a physical act of blessing, then take time to pray BLESSINGS on their life. And let God take the burden of revenge out of your hands! Don’t live in the “revenge business” any longer…live in the way of Love! After all…God has forgiven YOU!

Shalom Alachiem!    Don

Start 2024 STRONG by pouring into your marriage! Cost is $20 per couple but use the PROMO CODE XOFREE to cover the amount for the two day simulcast conference. Snacks are provided. Register for the event here and secure your seat for this awesome experience!
*Due to the XO conference, we will not have Saturday night service on Feb 24.


Spectrum, Tuesday nights!Meal at 6:30 pm, Bible Study at 7Join us at the Campus House (223 S Ave K)

Thank you to everyone who signed up to provide meals for our college students! As a reminder, here are the next few weeks volunteers:Feb 20 Sheila HaysFeb 27 Clint & Amber HamiltonMarch 5 Donna Clifton

Spring Volunteer Scheduling is beginning!We need CoffeeStop help for Saturday night and 8:15
services, but are always happy to include volunteers to any of the teams! 
There is a place for you to connect!

Saturday TeamsCoffeeStop, Greeters, Communion Meditation, Nursery, KidZoneSunday TeamsCoffeeStop (both services), Greeters (both services), Prayer Team, KidZone teachers

Follow this link to sign up early!


Pastoral Board meeting,
6:30 pm, Monday, Feb 19.
Information packets will be available to pick up this weekend.

Saturday Night KidZone
will return on March 2!

Thank you for all your patience during the remodel of our KidZone area!  There is NO Saturday night service on Feb 24 due to the XO conference but we will be ready to start back on March 2. 
If you have any questions, please see Jennifer.

NO AMP, Feb 18

AMP at regular time on Feb 25



Saturday, February 17, 2024CoffeeStop:  Dustin Bare-WilliamsonGreeters: Don & Julie NicklesCommunion:  Caden SmithNursery:  No KidZoneSunday, February 18, 2024CoffeeStop:(8:15) Bill & Joeli Cathey(10:30) Kim & Kylie BerryGreeters:(8:15) Bill & Joeli Cathey(10:30) Amy Rippee, Lee HintonCommunion:  Scott ReevesPrayer Team:  Jeremy Berry, Samantha SchraderNursery: Jessica CamachoPre-K: Bill & Joeli CatheyKindergarten: Abby CulpepperKidZone:  Lily MauldinElder of the Month:  David Wagner

Feb 18 NO AmpFeb 19 Pastoral Board MeetingFeb 23-24 XO ConferenceFeb 24 NO Saturday Night ServiceMar 31 Easter SundayMay 19 Senior SundayJune 17-21 AMP Summer CampJuly 8-12 Elementary Camp


Join us as we pray for:
  • Billie Dixon – upcoming surgery, 2/26
  • Sarah Doerr Wischkaemper-Diagnosed w/ Aggressive Breast Cancer (36 with 3 small kids)
  • family and friends of Karen Ingram
  • Flu and respiratory illness in the community
  • Jennifer Gonzales – doing better but still recovering from Flu A and Flu B
  • Don Criss – in Amarillo hospital
  • Pauline Clark (Patsy Fleming’s mom) – still at Retirement Ranch, hoping to return to Good Life soon
  • Dave Green – health issues/crisis
  • Grant Guledge (Jennifer Gonzales’ uncle) – cancer

Baby WatchRick & Cayli Bergman – due 3/2024Tanner & Tayler Faver – due 4/19/2024Andy & Sami Shelton – girl, due 4/2024Anthony & Kristin Schillingburg – due 6/25/24Military Watch:Ricky Lovato, Chris Worley, Cody Medlock, Skyler Partin, Diego CastroHealth Watch:David Gossett, Kim Merrick, Crystal May, Kyle Richardson, Webb & Deborah Hutchens, Tim Martinez, Clifford Hugg, Ken & Shirley Broad, Charles & LaDoris Good, Tom Banks, John Bridges, Leroy Thomas,  RaeNelle Walker

Spring devotionals have arrived!  They will be available this weekend.  Be sure to grab one for yourself and feel free to grab one for a friend!

Let Me Be Frank – 
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:7

“Love is in an unlocked door and an invitation to a future filled with purpose and joy.”

36 Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?”  Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.”  37 Peter asked, “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” 38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!”

Peter and another disciple followed at a distance.  Jesus had been betrayed by Judas and was headed to the high priest.  Peter warmed himself by the fire of coals and waited for what came next.  A servant girl asked, “You aren’t one of this man’s disciples, are you?”  “No, I am not,” was his reply.

The sense of smell is closely linked with memory.  A “butterscotch” pine tree takes you back to childhood.  The smell of enchiladas makes you miss your mother (or New Mexico).  The smell of freshly cut grass gives you a sneezing fit or reminds you of your first job mowing lawns.  What we smell reminds us of where we’ve been.

Because it was a cold night, many people began to gather around the fire where Peter was.  One asked again, “Are you?”  Peter’s reply, “No.”  Finally, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off in the garden earlier said, “Didn’t I see you with Jesus in the garden?”  “It wasn’t me.” Peter replied as the rooster began to crow.

Trial, sentencing, crucifixion, resurrection?!?  It didn’t really matter to Peter.  He had betrayed Jesus, something he vowed he would never do.  He went back to fishing.  In John 21:7, Peter hears, “It is the Lord!” and he got to shore as fast as he could.  And, in verse 9, it says “As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there.”
Smell is a funny thing.  Triggers from a lifetime ago.  Peter had tried to forget that night when he betrayed his Messiah, but the fire of coals wouldn’t let him.

There are only two places in the New Testament where the Greek word, anthrakia is used.  Once for the fire of coals warming Peter as he denied Christ and once for the fire of coals Jesus was cooking breakfast on.

“Love hopes all things.”

Jesus knows your past.  He knows your betrayal.  When the rooster crowed, Peter held his own court proceedings.  I did what I claimed I would never do.  Lock the door and throw away the key.

“Love believes all things.”

We beat ourselves up pretty good, you and me.  Try to make amends for past sins long forgiven.  Keep ourselves in a prison of our own making.  Love believes all things.  Love hopes all things.  Jesus reinstates Peter with three questions, and (most likely) with tears in his eyes, Peter says, “You know I love you.”  Your story is not over, the Savior is waiting.

The prison door was never locked, it’s always been open. 

May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –