Ingredients for Pie Crust:
1 Cup Flour

1/2 Tsp Salt

6 Tbsp Cold Butter

4 Tbsp Ice Cold Water


Mix flour, salt, and butter in pebble sized crumbs.

Add water until mixture pulls together.

Mold into a sphere and roll out dough into 13″ circle.

Roll dough around rolling pin and roll out onto pie pan.

Caramel Cinnamon Apple Pie Ingredients:

6-8 Peeled Apples

Kraft Caramel Bits ( Entire Bag)

4 Tbsp Butter

Fill will sliced apples, mounded slightly.

Melt Bag of Caramel Bits with butter.

Top apples with caramel.

Top with Crust.

Bake at 450 for 10 minutes then continue baking for 35 at 350.

Jacqueline Grider