By Glen Bowmann, Minister 3rd & Kilgore Church of Christ

Some of the things that Jesus did are simple and easy. Who wouldn’t want to go to a potluck or a wedding with people that they loved? However, some things that Jesus did required a lot of boldness. They may be relatively simple, but they take courage and faith. Let’s look at some of these things so that we can imitate our Lord and Savior!

While this practice isn’t common in our culture, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-5). This was useful in a time and place where people wore sandals and their feet would get dirty from their travels. Typically, people who washed others’ feet were servants or seen as subservient. However, Jesus did this as an example for us (v. 15). While some debate whether we need to wash one another feet literally or just live with a servantmentality, He relates this act with serving one another in humility (v. 16, 17).

Jesus also showed a great deal of boldness by cleansing the temple with a whip of cords, overturning tables (John 2:15), and driving out all who bought and sold in the temple (Matthew 21:12). He quoted Scripture when doing this to show that this act was righteous (v. 13), but it would take much boldness to alter the status quo in such a manner. Likewise though, we sometimes need to take great measures to eliminate sin in our lives and the lives of others. Are we willing to resolve situations like Jesus?

Obviously, the gospels spend a great deal of time emphasizing the preaching ministry of Jesus (e.g., Luke 3:18; 4:42, 43; 7:22; 20:1). While I used to imagine that as more normal in their culture, that may not be a safe assumption. People wanted to kill Him based on His preaching and ministry (John 11:53), so this was clearly a bold action that He was taking. We never read about Him standing behind a pulpit though, so we can preach the word to others wherever we are. Let’s preach the truth boldlylike Jesus!

Besides public preaching and teaching, Jesus also spent time talking about spiritual things to people one-on-one, both asking questions and answering theirs (John 3:1-4:26). Sometimes people initiated the conversation (John 3:2), but sometimes Jesus initiated it (John 4:7). Regardless of circumstances, we need to have conversations with individuals and teach them the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). It might seem a little intimidating at times, but we can follow Jesus even if it might involve suffering (1 Peter 2:21).

It’s good to preach and teach the word, but we should be doing this to the point of making and baptizing disciples (Matthew 28:19). Jesus did this along with His disciples (John 3:22; 4:1)and we should go and do likewise! This might difficult and potentially time consuming, but it changes our goals in life in a positive manner. Our lives are meant for more than a “little Jesus” here and there…we should be fully devoted to this task as the early disciples were (Acts 6:7).

Finally, these disciples did great works like Jesus, such as casting out demons and healing others (Mark 6:12, 13). Some debate about whether Jesus’ disciples can perform miraculous works today and a biblical argument can be made on both sides (e.g., John 14:12; 2 Corinthians 12:12). However, we can all pray with great faith and see what God will do (e.g., Acts 9:36-40). Let’s look at Jesus’ boldness and imitate Him. Let’s believe that God will do great things through us, pray with that belief, walk by faith, and see what happens!