May 29, 2024

Good morning, I wanted to provide an update on the current Black Water Well
Field electrical power outage. City Staff are working diligently to maintain
production during this time but, due to the storm last night, a large portion of
our Black Water Well Field to lose of power.

I am respectfully requesting the community assist us by conserving water during this time.

The Tank levels at Johnson Hill have dropped from 28.0 feet on 5-28-24 to 25.8 feet this morning.
Each foot equals 200,000 gallons of water. City Staff is utilized the emergency
contingency plan of utilizing the Lime Street Tank and Sandhill Well Field during
this emergency. City Staff and Elected Officials are working with the electrical
providers to determine a timeline for the projected outage. Staff are also working
to obtain generators to power individual wells to get them back online for the time

As information becomes available, I will provide updates through the usual
channels of communication. I would ask that questions be held until 1600 where
we will provide a press release in the Council Chambers of the Memorial Building
and answer questions from the media and community.

Timothy J. Cathey
Portales Fire Department, Fire/EMS Chief
City of Portales, Interim City Manager
1028 West Community Way
Portales, NM 88130