Tammy’s daughter did it and she said the kids had a blast. We may have to practice social distance but that will not keep us from having fun! On your mark – set – go, let the hunting games begin! Be sure to take pictures of your hunters next to their game finds and share with us on our Facebook page The Roosevelt Review
Tammy Hunton says, ‘Let’s do this Portales!! Lubbock is having a ton of fun with this community Bear Hunt and chalk drawing. They are putting teddy bears and other stuffed animals in their window sills and driving around looking for bears. In addition, they are using sidewalk chalk as a fun way to communicate. I’m all in!! So, don’t think I’ve lost my marbles if you see teddy bears in my windows.” Check it out – Click Here.
So Portales Peeps, get out those wild (stuffed) animals – put them in your windows and let the hunting games begin. Another fun twist is to have your kids leave messages or pictures for the hunters on your sidewalk with sidewalk chalk. Hunters, remember no stepping in flower beds!
Sounds like a fun thing to do.