Deputy Chief of Police Christopher D. Williams has officially been selected as the Portales
Police Chief to replace Retiring Chief Pat Gallegos.

— City Manager Sammy Standefer announced the
retirement of Police Chief Pat Gallegos from the City of Portales Police Department through the
Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico effective late November.

Applications were solicited, candidates were interviewed, and the results were evaluated and
submitted with a recommendation to the City Manager. All applicants were worthy contenders.
Portales City Manager Sammy Standefer proudly announces the selection of our new Police
Chief Christopher D. Williams effective November 27, 2020.

Incorporated in January 1909, the (City) Town of Portales established the position of Town
Marshall upon incorporation. From a one-man department, the public safety position evolved
with the City through the years, growing into a thriving department providing various services
along with Police Patrol.

The Mission of the City of Portales is to facilitate abundant
opportunities for its citizens to experience a safe living environment with excellent city public safety services.

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