Join us in person or virtually on February 23–24, 2023

The Agricultural Outlook Forum is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) oldest and largest annual event, currently in its 99th year. The two-day event is one of the agricultural sector’s premiere events. Each year, the Forum attracts participants from the government, private sector, stakeholder associations, producers, academia, and the media.


  • Join USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer as he unveils USDA’s initial forecast for the agricultural economy, commodity markets, and trade in 2023 and discuss U.S. farm income situation.
  • Hear the latest on supply chain challenges and the outlook for the global freight market.
  • Listen to experts discuss agricultural commodity market outlooks, climate-smart agriculture, biotechnology and more.
  • Participate in Q&A with leading authorities in agriculture (virtual and in-person).
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