Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024 9:00 a.m.
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Commission Room
109 E. First St.
Portales, NM 88130

Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Salute to the Flag of New Mexico
1. Approval of Agenda:
2. Approval of Minutes:
Approve Minutes of Jan. 25 special meeting
3. Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll:
Payroll from Jan. 1, 2024 through Jan. 31, 2024
Total: $492,163.04
Payroll from Jan. 1, 2024 through Jan. 31, 2024
Check No: 004746-004748; 080816-080911
Total Amount of Checks: $1,745,377.17
Total Amount of Drafts: $154,707.38
4. Public Requests:
At the Discretion of the Commission Chair. For information only (No Action Can Be Taken). All public comments will follow the
2024-02 Public Participation Resolution.
5. Elected Officials/Department Heads Reports:
Employee Anniversary Recognition – Lauren Bagwell/Commission
Clerk’s Office – Mandi Park
Treasurer’s Office – Layle Sanchez
October and November Monthly Reports
Detention Center – Shayla Ramsey
MAT Program and GED Recognition – Kris Paulus
Finance – Liliana Rivera
Presentation of the FY24 2nd Quarter Financial Report submitted to DFA
Healthcare – Carla Weems
Indigent Healthcare Board Meeting
Road –Juan Dominguez
Manager – Amber Hamilton
FY 22 Audit & Accountability Award – Mid-Size County Audit Achievement
Legislative Recap
6. Old Business
a. Consideration of Resolution Compliance with New Mexico Open Meetings Act – Michael Garcia
7. New Business:
The Commission may take action on any item listed.
Board of Finance Meeting
a. Presentation of Investments– Layle Sanchez
b. Presentation of Revised Roosevelt County Fairgrounds Draft Master Plan – John Layman/Adan Martinez/Gary Spinks/Amber Hamilton
c. Discussion of Scope of Work for Recreational Grant at the Fairgrounds – John Layman/Adan Martinez/Gary Spinks/Amber Hamilton
d. Request for Approval of Arch Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA Reporting – Chief Lang/Lauren Bagwell
e. Request for Approval of Milnesand Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA Reporting – Chief Bilbrey/Lauren Bagwell
f. Request for Approval of a Summary Replat of the of lot 24 and lot 26 of the Chalk Hill Stock Farm Subdivision of Roosevelt County – Johnny Montiel
g. Request for Approval of a Summary Replat of the of lot 8-12 of Block 10 of the Franklin Apparent Addition
Subdivision in the City Limits of Portales – Johnny Montiel
h. Discussion and Commission Selection of City Council Persons for Continued Services Negotiations – Commissioners
i. Discussion and Direction for FY25 Dispatch Services – Sheriff Sanchez/Commissioners
8. Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
a. Consideration of Resolution 2024-05 Acceptance and Approval of the FY23 Annual Financial Audit –Rufino
Rodriguez & Bobby Cordova/Liliana Rivera
b. Consideration of Resolution 2024-06 Authorizing the County to Submit an Application to the Department of
Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, to Participate in the Local DWI Grant and Distribution Program – Darla Reed
c. Consideration of Resolution 2024-07 Supporting Luna County in Their Opposition to the Designation of the
Mimbres Peak National Monument – Commissioner Dixon
9. Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
a. Request for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Finance and
Administration/Local Government Division/Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Program – Darla Reed
b. Request for Approval of Statement of Assurances for the Local DWI Grant and Distribution Program – Darla Reed
c. Request for Approval of Interdepartmental Agreement for Use of Local DWI Funds – Darla Reed
d. Agreement for Additional Financial Support for Economic Services – Amber Hamilton
e. Request for Approval of Agreement for Detainee Confinement at Roosevelt County Detention Center for Chavez
County – Shayla Ramsey
f. Request for Approval of Agreement for Detainee Confinement at Roosevelt County Detention Center for Eddy County – Shayla Ramsey
g. Request for Approval of Agreement Between Arch, Causey, Dora, Elida, Floyd, and Milnesand Volunteer
Fire/EMS Agencies and the City of Portales, Emergency Communications and Fire Department for Medical
Direction – Chief Bilbrey/Chief Lang
h. Request for Approval of Service Agreement with Vehicle Safety Programs L.L.C for the Road Department
Certified Entry Level Driver Training Program – Amber Hamilton
10. Media Communication
11. Adjourn.
This is to certify that a copy of this agenda was emailed to local and regional media outlets, a copy was provided to the County Clerk’s Office, and posted on the Roosevelt County website by Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 by 11:30 a.m.
Amber Hamilton, County Manager
Members of the public unable to attend the meeting in person can view the meeting live on YouTube and a recording of the meeting will be saved as a public video
and linked from the County’s website following the public meeting. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact ADA Coordinator Johnny Montiel at 575.359.2869 at least one (1) day prior to the meeting or as soon as possible.