Tuesday, April 6, 2021
9:00 a.m. Public Meeting
Roosevelt County Fairgrounds
Jake Lopez Building
705 E. Lime
Portales, NM 88130

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Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one
nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Salute to the Flag of New Mexico
“I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”
1. Approval of Agenda:
2. Approval of Minutes:
Approve minutes of March 16, 2021 special meeting
3. Public Requests:
At the Discretion of the Commission Chair. For information only (No Action Can Be Taken). All public comments will follow the
2021-02 Public Participation Resolution.
4. Elected Officials/Department Heads Reports:
Clerk’s Office – Mandi Park
Treasurer’s Office – Layle Sanchez
Detention –Justin Porter
Presentation of Quarterly Restricted Housing Report
Road –Rick Lovato
Manager – Amber Hamilton
5. Old Business:
The Commission may take action on any item listed.
a. Discussion and Approval of the Show Arena Roofing Gutter System –Gary Spinks/Bruce Nixon/Commissioner Lee
6. New Business:
The Commission may take action on any item listed.
a. Request for Approval of Donation of Tanker Trailer from Semo Equipment to Arch Volunteer Fire Department – Chief Jay Lang
b. Request for Approval to Invest Up To $1,000,000 into Various Roosevelt County Banking Institutions – Layle
7. Procurements – Contracts – Agreements:
a. Request for Approval of Tower Lease Agreement with Southwestern Wireless, Inc. and Roosevelt County for
Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department – Amber Hamilton8. Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations
a. Consideration of Resolution 2021-20 Continuing the Declaration of an Exceptional Drought and Fire Danger
Emergency in Roosevelt County – Commissioners
b. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring May as Motorcycle Awareness Month – Amber Hamilton
Budget Workshop – Fleet and Capital Projects
8. Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations (cont.)
c. Presentation of FY20 Annual Financial Audit and Consideration of Resolution 2021-21 Acceptance and Approval
of the FY20 Annual Financial Audit – Bobby Cordova/Rufino Rodriguez/Amber Hamilton
9. Media Communication
10. Adjourn.
NEXT REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING — Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Roosevelt County Fairgrounds Jake Lopez Building
This is to certify that a copy of this agenda was emailed to local and regional media outlets, a copy was provided to the County Clerk’s Office, and posted on the Roosevelt County website by Friday, April 2, 2021 by 11:30 p.m.
Amber Hamilton, County Manager
COVID-19 safety protocols will apply for all in attendance. The County encourages members of the public to view the meeting live on
YouTube and a recording of the meeting will be saved as a
public video and linked from the County’s website following the public meeting