Regular Meeting May 13, 2024
Board Room 6:00 p.m.

This meeting will be held in compliance with the New Mexico “Open Meetings Act,” NMSA 1978, Chapter 10, Article 15. The following agenda sets forth subjects of the meeting. The order in which the agenda is followed is subject to change by the Board. If a topic on the agenda is permitted by law to be discussed in closed session, the Board may or may not, at that time, close the meeting as to such topic. The agenda will be available at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting from the Superintendent of Schools whose office is located at the L. C. Cozzens Administrative Offices located at 501 S. Abilene.

Any person desiring to address the Board should complete a “Request to Address the Board” form. The forms are available at the door of the board meeting and should be submitted to the board president.The School Board President will recognize those requests during the Public Comments portion of the meeting.
The meeting is also being conducted in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.D. 12101
1991). The facility where the meeting is to be held is wheelchair accessible, and handicapped parking is available.

Sign interpretive services are available. Requests should be received at least one (1) week prior to the meeting. To make arrangements for those or other handicapped services, please call 575-356-7000.
MEMBERS: Present Absent
Inez Rodriguez, President ⬜ ⬜
Braden Fraze, Vice President ⬜ ⬜
Cade Standifer, Secretary ⬜ ⬜
Dustin Cabeldue , Member ⬜ ⬜
Doug Pfaffenberger , Member ⬜ ⬜
Johnnie S. Cain, Superintendent
Others Present: Administrators
Assistant Principals
The meeting was called to order at p.m. Roll was called and a quorum was declared: Yes
Member _______ made a motion to approve the agenda. All voting in the _______, the Board _______
the Agenda.
ITEM NUMBER V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting – April 8, 2024 (Pages )
Member ______ made a motion to approve the minutes as _______.
____ voting in the _____, the Board _______ the minutes as _______.
A. Portales High School Student Council Report
B. Portales Junior High Student Council Report
C. Lindsey/Steiner Student Council Report
VISION – All students will be productive and successful citizens.
MISSION STATEMENT – The Portales Municipal School District will provide all students a quality education.
Page 2
D. Presentation of 2024 NMSBA Excellence for Student Achievement Award (School Board)
E. State Champions- Maggie Mendoza- Choir
JD Mead- Esports
Nate Chavez- Powerlifting
F. Sara Hunton- Recognition of completion of Reading Recovery Training and Literacy Coach
training for a group of teachers.
Items are placed on the agenda so the Board, by unanimous consent, can designate those routine agenda items they wish to be approved or acknowledged by one motion. If any item does not meet with the approval of all Board members, that item will be heard when reached under the regular agenda.
A. Approval of Fixed Asset Disposal List Not Requiring State Auditor Approval (Page )
B. Monthly Financial Report (Pages )
1. Accounts Payable Vendor Charts
2. Accounts Payable Graph Charts
C. Payment of bills and Expenditures (See )
D. Personnel Report (Page )
E. Donations -Gwen Limmer on Behalf of Tim Mitchell Estate-
$100 to PHS Coffee Cart
$100 to PHS Clothes Closet
$450 to Printer at James for SLP’s
Uncle Mike’s ℅ Amanda Walker- $542.00 to PHS Band (Pages )
F. Out-of-State Travel-David Sweet- Girls Soccer to Durango, Colorado on July 12-14.
PHS Cheerleaders- to Texas Tech Cheer Camp in Lubbock, TX. July 6-9.
Wade Fraze- Girls Basketball to San Angelo, TX. for Basketball Camp on June 12-15
Girls Basketball to Lubbock, TX. for Basketball Camp on June 20-22.
Girls Basketball to Gunnison, CO. for Basketball Camp on June 23-26.
Boys Soccer to Herford, TX June 9 and July 21, 2024.
Sarah Stubbs- to Nashville, TN to ASBO International on Sept. 16-20, 2024. -Per NMAC 242.2
Employers incur lodging expenses of $215 per night including taxes must get Board approval
prior to entering the purchase order.
Ofelia Alvarez- to San Antonio, TX to Innovative Schools Summit on July 25-28, 2024. Per
NMAC 242.2 Employers incur lodging expenses of $215 per night including taxes must get
Board approval prior to entering purchase order.
G. Ratification of Budget Adjustment Request (Page )
1. Doc. ID: 057-000-2324-0231-I- Increase-Capital Improvements SB-9 Local $790
Member _____ made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. All voting in the _____, the Board _____
the Agenda.
A. Approval of the Elementary Fine Arts Application for 2024-2025 School Year-Mr. Ontiveros
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Fine Arts application be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
B. Seeking approval to submit the Rural Low Income School (RLIS) Grant Application with a total
award of $73, 665.85-Mr. Segovia (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Rural Low Income Grant Application be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
C. Seeking approval to submit the Title I grant application for the award amount of
$1,111,147.00-Mr. Segovia (Pages)
VISION – All students will be productive and successful citizens.
MISSION STATEMENT – The Portales Municipal School District will provide all students a quality education.
Page 3
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Title I Grant Application be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
D. Seeking approval to submit the Title III Part A grant application for SY 24-25 with the amount
of $33,153.00- Mr. Segovia (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Title III Grant Application be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
E. Seeking approval to submit the Migrant Education Program 24-25 grant application with the
award amount of $20,054.00- Mr. Segovia (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Migrant Education Program Application be
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
F. Approval of Auditor Contract with Woodard, Cowan & Co. (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the auditor contract be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
G. Approval of the District Salary Schedule-Sarah Stubbs (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the salary be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
H. Approval of the Tentative Budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year- Sarah Stubbs (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Tentative Budget be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
Roll Call:
_________voting in the _______,the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
I. Summer Food Service Agreement for rental of a kitchen facility -Shaunna Smith (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the summer agreement be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
J. Portales Municipal School District Wellness Policy 2023-2024-Shaunna Smith (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Wellness Policy be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
K. Third Year Renewal Agreement of 3 years – Shaunna Smith (Pages)
1. Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc
2. Labatt Food Services
3. Gandy’s Dairies
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the 3rd year of the 3 years be approved.
VISION – All students will be productive and successful citizens.
MISSION STATEMENT – The Portales Municipal School District will provide all students a quality education.
Page 4
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
L. Seeking approval for the National School Lunch Program application 2025-Shaunna Smith
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the application be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
M. Receive report and recommendations from Directory of Special Student Services regarding
review of Board Policy and Administrative Procedures Governing Special Education and
revisions to the same and approve for the 2024-2025 school year. -Mrs. Flen (Pages)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Special Education revisions be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
N. Approve IDEA-B assurance statement. (Page)
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the assurance statement be approved.
Member ______ made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation.
______ voting in the ______, the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent.
O. Possible action on School Calendar for 2024-2025 School year.
Possible Action:
A. Superintendent’s Discussion Items
1. Superintendent’s Report
2. Director’s & Principals Reports (Pages )

A. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, June 10, 2024 at
6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom of the L.C. Cozzens Administrative Offices at 501 S. Abilene. A
closed session may be held.

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign
language interpreter,or any other form of auxiliary aide or service to attend or participate in
the hearing or meeting, please contact the Superintendent of Schools’ Office at the L.C.
Cozzens Administrative Offices at 501 S. Abilene, in Portales, New Mexico at least one (1)
week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda
and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact the
Superintendent of Schools’ Office at 501 S. Abilene if a summary or other type of accessible
format is needed.

B. May 21st, 8th grade Promotion at 5:30 p.m. at the Greyhound Arena.
C. Maypole dress rehearsal May 22nd and Maypole May 23rd.
D. May 23rd classes will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.
E. May 24th No School for students. Staff recognition breakfast at the PHS cafeteria at 8:00 a.m.
F. May 25th Graduation at 10:00 a.m. at the Greyhound Arena.
G. May 27, 2024 offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.

VISION – All students will be productive and successful citizens.

MISSION STATEMENT – The Portales Municipal School District will provide all students a quality education.
Page 5

It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board recess to Executive Session in
compliance with the New Mexico “Open Meetings Act”, Section 10-15-1 Paragraph (H) (2)
Limited Personnel Matters.
Member ________ made a motion for the Board to recess into closed session as authorized by the
Open Meetings Act Paragraph (H) (2) Limited Personnel Matters. Upon a roll call vote,
Members_________ voting in the _________, the Board approved the motion and the meeting was
recessed at _______ p.m.
Member _________ made a motion to reconvene the meeting at _______ p.m. Upon a roll call vote,
Members __________ voting in the ___________, the Board approved the motion and reconvened
the meeting at ______ p.m.
“The Matters discussed in the closed session were limited only to those specified in the
motion for closure.”