CITY COUNCIL, which will be held starting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 14, 2017, at the Memorial Building Council Chambers, 200 E. 7th Street, Portales, New Mexico. The following item(s) is/are scheduled for consideration and action by the City Council:


I. Call to Order – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

II. Roll Call – City Clerk.

III. Invocation.

IV. Pledge of Allegiance.

V. Official Salute to the New Mexico Flag: “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

VI. Scheduled Business — Discussion & Action – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s):
1. Regular Meeting held October 17, 2017.

B. Recognition/Service Awards:
1. E. Shannon Lee, Battalion Chief—20 Years of Service.
2. Keith Wattenbarger, Emergency Management Director – 20 Years of Service.
3. Sammy Standefer, City Manager – 25 Years of Service.

C. Ratification of Finance Department’s Actions Regarding Bills for October 2017 – M. Rapp, Finance Director.

D. Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 726, An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Loan Agreement and Intercept Agreement by and between City of Portales, New Mexico (the “Governmental Unit”) and the New Mexico Finance Authority, in the Principal Amount of $1,007,557 for the Purpose of Construction of a new Fire Station on the North Side of the City of Portales for the Governmental Unit, Paying a Loan Processing Fee, and Evidencing the Special Limited Obligation of the Governmental Unit to Repay the Principal Amount of $1,007,557, together with Interest Thereon; Providing for the Pledge and Payment of the Principal and Interest Due Under the Loan Agreement solely from the Distribution of Fire Protection Fund Revenues Distributed to the Governmental Unit by the State Treasurer to the Governmental Unit Pursuant to Section 59A-53-7, NMSA 1978; Providing for the


Distribution of Fire Protection Fund Revenues to be Redirected by the State Treasurer to the New Mexico Finance Authority or its assigns for the Payment of Principal and Interest due on the Loan Agreement Pursuant to an Intercept Agreement; Ratifying Actions heretofore taken; Repealing all Action Inconsistent with this Ordinance; and Authorizing the Taking of Other Actions in Connection with the Execution and Delivery of the Loan Agreement and Intercept Agreement – S. King, Mayor.
1. Action to enter into Public Hearing to receive comments.
2. Action to close the Public Hearing.
3. Action as a Result of the Public Hearing.

E. Item(s) from Public Works Committee – J. DeSha, Public Works Director.
1. Contract for Outside Utility Request (sewer only) by Randolph McGee for 915 Redwine Ball.
2. Contract for Outside Utility Request (water & trash only) by Phoebe Gomez for 1400 S. Avenue V.

F. Public Hearing for a Transfer of Dispenser-Like Liquor License to All American Meat, Inc. dba Farmers Country Market – S. King, Mayor.
1. Action to enter into public hearing for transfer of Dispenser-Like Liquor License.
2. Action to close the public hearing.
3. Action by Council on application to transfer Dispenser-Like Liquor License to All American Meat, Inc. dba Farmers Country Market.

G. Approval of Design Professional Services Contract(s) for Various Projects: – S. Standefer, City Manager.
1. Municipal Arterial Program Project No. MAP-7641 (901) Improvements on 7th Street from Dallas Avenue to Elgin Avenue – Engineering Professional Services.
2. Police Station Building Remodel Project – Engineering Professional Services.
3. Landscaping around Recycle Pond (Impoundment) – Landscape Architecture Professional Services.

H. Resolution #17-18-17, A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor’s or Mayor Pro-Tem’s Signature to Execute an Amendment to the 2016 Community Development Block Grant Agreement No. 16-C-NR-I-01-G-10 between the State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration/Local Government Division and the City of Portales for a Wastewater Project for Lift Station Rehabilitations
– S. Baysinger, Public Works Projects Administrator.

I. Request to Approve Award of Bid and Contract for IFB No. 20170820 Lift Station Rehabilitations Funded by CDBG Grant No. 16-C-NR-I-01-G-10 Upon Funding Agency Concurrence – S. Baysinger, Public Works Projects Administrator.

J. Resolution #17-18-18, Election 2018 Resolution calling for the Election & Stating the Date of the Election; Offices to be Filled; Date & Time of Closing of Books of Registration by County Clerk; Date & Time of Filing of Declarations of Candidacy; Dates & Times for Absentee Voting; Manner of Casting & Recording Votes for Absentee Voting; Location of Polling Places and Consolidation of Districts (Wards) – J. Martinez-Terry, City Clerk.

K. Resolution #17-18-19, A Resolution Approving Execution of a Municipal Arterial Program (MAP)-7641 (901) Cooperative Agreement Amendment for Project No. MAP- 7641 – S. Baysinger, Public Works Projects Administrator.


L. Report of Water Leak occurring November 4, 2017 – J. DeSha, Public Works Director.

M. Update from Finance/Administration Committee Meeting regarding Revenue Enhancements – S. Standefer, City Manager.

N. Other Business/Citizens to be Heard–-Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. Formal action may not be taken, and speakers may be limited by the Chairperson. Comments are encouraged to be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.

O. Executive Session/Closed Meeting: – S. King, Mayor.
1. Action to Convene in a Closed Meeting to Discuss Matters as Provided for under New Mexico Statutes Pertaining to Open Meetings Referencing Section 10-15-1 H.(2), for Limited Personnel Matters
2. Action to Convene in Open Meeting.

P. Action Required as a Result of the Closed Executive Session – S. King, Mayor.

VII. Adjournment