Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018 9:00 a.m. Roosevelt County Courthouse County Commission Room
109 W. First St.
Portales, NM 88130

Call Meeting to Order Invocation
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Salute to the Flag of New Mexico
“I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”
1. Approval of Agenda:
2. Approval of Minutes:
Approve minutes of Nov. 20, 2018 regular meeting and workshop minutes
3. Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll:
Payroll from Nov. 1, 2018 through Nov. 30, 2018 Total: $375,571.55
Accounts Payable from Nov. 1, 2018 through Nov. 30, 2018
Check No: 004591-004592; 73705-73849
Total Amount of Checks: $636,962.29 Total Amount of Drafts: $108,818.59
4. Public Requests:
At the Discretion of the Commission Chair. For Information Only (No Action Can Be Taken). Comments are limited to three minutes per person on subjects not on this published agenda.
5. Informational Items:
a. Xcel Energy Sagamore Wind Project Update – David Essex
b. Roosevelt County DWI Program Update – Darla Reed

6. Elected Officials/Department Heads Reports:
Clerk’s Office – Stephanie Hicks Detention Center – Justin Porter Healthcare – Carol Acosta-Flores
Indigent Healthcare Meeting Road – Ricky Lovato
Manager – Amber Hamilton
Recognition of Commissioner Gene Creighton Commissioners

7. New Business:
The Commission may take action on any item listed.
a. Request for Approval of Quick Easement Agreement – Johnny Montiel
b. Roosevelt County Board of Finance Meeting – Layle Sanchez/Commissioners
c. Request for Approval for Treasurer to move up to $1,200,000 of General Fund Monies to Moreton Money Market Account – Layle Sanchez

d. Request for Approval for Treasurer to move $153,000 of Restricted Fund Monies to Moreton CD Accounts –
Layle Sanchez
e. Discussion of Portales Armory Utilization and Sheriff’s Office Location – Sheriff Parker/Amber Hamilton/Commissioners
f. Request for Approval of Roosevelt County Windmill Museum Steering Committee – Carol Acosta-Flores
g. Discussion and Request for Approval of 2019 Capital Outlay Request Listing – Amber Hamilton
h. Discussion of Insurance Premiums for 2019 and Selection of Deductible Amounts – Amber Hamilton
8. Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
a. Consideration of Resolution 2018-40 Authorizing the City of Portales to Submit an Application to the Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, to Participate in the Local DWI Grant and Distribution Program – Darla Reed
b. Consideration of Resolution 2018-41 Land Acquisition Budget Adjustment – Amber Hamilton
c. Public Hearing Regarding Ordinance 2018-03
d. Consideration of Ordinance 2018-03 Amending the Roosevelt County Personnel Ordinance – Debra Olds/Amber Hamilton
e. Public Hearing Regarding Ordinance 2018-04
f. Consideration of Ordinance 2018-04 Relating to the Promotion of the Ethical Conduct of Public Officials within Roosevelt County and Addressing Interference by County Commissioners and Other Elected Officials – Randy Knudson/Amber Hamilton
g. Request for Approval of Notice of Intent for Consideration of Ordinance 2019-01 Considering a Tax Rebate of a Part of Property Tax Due From Low-Income Taxpayers – Amber Hamilton
9. Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
a. Request for Approval of Lease Contract with CAT Financial for Five Motorgraders – Ricky Lovato/Amber Hamilton
b. Consideration of Procurement of CAT Walk-n-Roll Attachments for Motorgraders – Ricky Lovato/Commissioners
c. Request for Approval of Contract with the State of New Mexico for Driver Monitoring Services – Debra Olds
d. Request for Approval of Grant Submission by the Sheriff’s Office on Behalf of Roosevelt County for ENDWI and STEP Grants to the Traffic Safety Division – Lt. Javier Sanchez
10. Executive Session: Pursuant to 10-15-1 N.M.S.A. (1978) H (2) limited personnel matters and (7) attorney-client privileged information pertaining to threatened or pending litigation, specifically the McFarlin vs. Roosevelt County, Aguilar vs. Roosevelt County, Hernandez vs. Roosevelt County, Parrish vs. Roosevelt County, Burger vs. Roosevelt County, Alonzo vs. Roosevelt County, Natural Chem Holdings.
a. Any action necessary as a result of the closed executive session.

11. Media Communication
12. Recess
13. Annual Commission Detention Center Inspection
14. Adjourn
NEXT REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING — Tuesday Jan. 8, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
Roosevelt County Courthouse Commission Room
This is to certify that a copy of this agenda was emailed to local and regional media outlets, a copy was provided to the County Clerk’s Office, and posted on the Roosevelt County website by Friday, Dec. 14, 2018 by 11:59 p.m.
Amber Hamilton, County Manager
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact ADA Coordinator Johnny Montiel at 575.359.2869 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible.