January 7, 2020
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting Tuesday, January 7, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Room in the Roosevelt County Courthouse with those present being: Commissioner Matthew Hunton, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, Commissioner Lewis Shane Lee, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy Knudson, Clerk Stephanie Hicks, Chief Deputy Clerk Nath Baca, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Special Projects Coordinator Carol Acosta-Flores, Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato, RCDC Administrator Justin Porter, Lloyd McCargish, Pastor Kelly Fulfer, and Eastern New Mexico News Staff Writer Mathew Brock. Absent was Commissioner Paul Grider

Call to Order – Chairman Lee at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Pastor Fulfer
Pledge – Commissioner Lee

Elect Chairman for 2020:
Motion to elect Commissioner Matthew Hunton was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Elect Vice-Chairman for 2020:
Motion to elect Commissioner Tina Dixon was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes of the December 17, 2019 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
Motion to approve minutes of the December 17, 2019 work session was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Public Requests: NONE

Elected Officials/Department Heads Report:

Detention: Facility count is 79 (53 males and 26 females) with 18 being from out of county, 80 bookings and 76 releases for the month of December, and $34,780 total billed for November and December. Facility Maintenance: LED Lighting in dayroom 2, negative pressure room in the booking area is complete and operational. There are 5 officer cadets in academy training. RCDC was recognized for the ‘Wellpath Southwest Program of the Month’. This is the 2nd time RCDC has received the award this year, January and September of 2019. There are approximately 60 facilities involved. Administrator Porter thanked the commission for touring the facility in December. He appreciates that they are actively involved in the facility. He also thanked the community for the continued support they give.

Healthcare/Indigent Healthcare Meeting: Motion to enter into Indigent Healthcare Meeting was made at
9:10 a.m. by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Special Projects Coordinator Acosta-Flores reported there were 51 claims in the amount of
$28,738.75. Her recommendation is to approve 42 of the claims in the amount of $19,563.73, and to disapprove 9 claims for either past timely filing or not a detainee during medical service.

Motion to come out of Indigent Meeting at 9:12 a.m. was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Motion to approve the 42 recommended claims was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

HR: Employee Recognition: Moved to February

Road: Road Superintendent Lovato reported Special Projects Coordinator Flores submitted the annual road report. His crew has put up road signage, laying caliche and is doing routine maintenance.

Manager: Manager Hamilton, Commissioner Grider and Road Superintendent Lovato will be attending a meeting with CAFB, concerning Sun Dale Valley Road. February 3rd is Legislative Appreciation and suggested canceling the February 4th meeting, as the Manager and Commissioners will be in Santa Fe. The audit has been approved and will be printed and put on the website after receiving confirmation. There is only 1 opening at RCDC. Manager Hamilton said she believes this is due to the new pay scale.

Commissioners: NONE
Old Business:

a. Commissioners Annual Report of Detention Center Inspection December 17, 2019:
Hunton stated he likes to visit RCDC, and reported how clean & organized it was. Lopez stated he is a big supporter of RCDC and supports Administrator Porter. Commended the facility on a job well done. Lee reported every time he goes in the facility he sees something new, such as the security system, doors, windows, laundry and updates to the pods. Dixon stated RCDC is doing an awesome job, very professional, clean and everyone on the same page. Staff is on target with what is going on and Administrator Porter is an open book, which is very much appreciated.

New Business:

a. Discussion and Possible Action to add both Chairman and Vice-Chairman as Authorized Signatory Officials for Bank Accounts with JP Stone Community Bank, with Authorization to Sign Checks or Orders for the Payment of Money, Withdraw or Transfer Funds on Deposits with Financial Institution. If Financial Institution Accepts this Power with a Multiple Signature Limitations, Domestic Government Unit Agrees to Waive a Multiple Signature Requirement for Any Withdraw in a Format that Does Not Allow Financial Institution and Opportunity to Examine Signatures and Number of Signatures Required: Two: Treasurer Sanchez stated this is a requirement when a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman is elected. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

b. Consideration of Request to Close S Roosevelt Road 30 ½ from South Roosevelt Road AK for Two Miles East: There was discussion that we must maintain 1200 miles of county roads or lose some of our road funding. Reason for this request is: this road leads up to a private home and the excess amount of illegal dumping. Commissioner Dixon will establish road viewers for the February meeting.

c. Discussion of Insurance Premiums for 2020 and Selection of Deductible Amounts: Motion to leave the deductible the same as 2019 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:

a. Consideration of Resolution 2020-01 Compliance with New Mexico Open Meetings Act: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

b. Consideration of Resolution 2020-02 Public Participation at Roosevelt County Commission Meetings: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

c. Consideration of Resolution 2020-03 Delegation of Authority to the County Manager for Disbursement of Vendor Checks: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

d. Consideration of Resolution 2020-04 Delegation of Authority to the County Manager to Enter into Certain Contracts and Settlement Agreements: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Media Communication: Mr. Brock asked for a list of county and legislative goals. Manager Hamilton stated she would meet with him concerning that.

Executive Session: NONE Required

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:39 a.m.


__________________________ _____________________________
Stephanie Hicks Matthew Hunton
County Clerk Commission Chairman