Tuesday, April 19, 2022 9:00 a.m.
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Commission Room
109 E. First St.
Portales, NM 88130

Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Salute to the Flag of New Mexico
1. Approval of Agenda:
2. Approval of Minutes:
Approve Minutes of April 5 regular meeting
3. Public Requests:
At the Discretion of the Commission Chair. For information only (No Action Can Be Taken). All public comments will follow the
2022-02 Public Participation Resolution and be limited to 3 minutes.
4. Elected Officials/Department Heads Reports:
Probate – Kendell Terry
Treasurer- Layle Sanchez
Manager – Amber Hamilton
5. New Business:
The Commission may take action on any item listed.
a. Request for Approval of Update to Authorized Signatory Officials for Roosevelt County Detention Center Bank
Account with JP Stone Community Bank, the addition of Clay Layher as an Authorized Signatory Official – Layle
b. Request for Approval of the Revised Summary Replat of Stone & Hatch of the Northwest 20’ and Southeast 30’
of Lot 4, Block 11 of the Original Town Subdivision – Johnny Montiel
c. Request for Approval of the Summary Replat of Two Tracts of Land in Block 20 of the Stuart Addition – Johnny
d. Request for Approval of FY23 Fire Protection Fund Application for Arch Volunteer Fire District – Carol Acosta- Flores
e. Request for Approval of FY23 Fire Protection Fund Application for Milnesand Volunteer Fire District – Carol
f. Discussion and Recommendation of Member for ENMU Chancellor Search Committee as Requested by the
ENMU Board of Regents – Commissioners
g. Request for Approval of Disposal by Public Auction of 2014 Ford Explorer from Maintenance Department – Liliana Rivera
6. Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
a. Consideration of Resolution- 2022-18 Sponsorship for a Transportation Project Fund and Project Match
Commitment for Funding Application of Seventy-Two- and Three-Quarter Miles of Various Roosevelt County
Rural Roadways – Rick Lovato
b. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring May as Motorcycle Awareness Month – Carol Acosta-Flores
c. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring May as Detention Officer Appreciation Week – Shayla Ramsey
Public Hearing
d. Consideration of Ordinance 2022-01 An Ordinance Regulating the Time, Place and Manner of Cannabis Sales,
Manufacturing and Consumption –Johnny Montiel/Amber Hamilton
7. Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
a. Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Jennifer Lockwood, LPCC for Onsite Counseling
Services for the MAT Program at the Roosevelt County Detention Center – Amber Hamilton
b. Request for Approval of Contract for FY22 Financial Audit with Cordova CPAs, LLC Upon Approval by the Office of
the State Auditor – Liliana Rivera
c. Request for Approval to Purchase Bonfire Contract Management Software – Liliana Rivera
8. Executive Session: Pursuant to 10-15-1 N.M.S.A. (1978) H (2) limited personnel matters and (7) attorney-client
privileged information pertaining to threatened or pending litigation, specifically Hernandez vs. Roosevelt County,
Taylor vs. Roosevelt County, Porter vs. Roosevelt County, Aguilar vs. Roosevelt County, Padilla vs. Roosevelt County,
Plummer vs. Roosevelt County, and to discuss attorney- client privileged information relating to pending or
threatened litigation and/or limited personnel matters.
a. Any action necessary as a result of the closed executive session.
9. Media Communication
10. Adjourn.
This is to certify that a copy of this agenda was emailed to local and regional media outlets, a copy was provided to the County Clerk’s Office, and posted on the Roosevelt County website by Friday, April 15 2022 by 5:00 p.m.
Amber Hamilton, County Manager
Members of the public unable to attend the meeting in person can view the meeting live on YouTube and a recording of the meeting will be saved as a public video
and linked from the County’s website following the public meeting.
and linked from the County’s website following the public meeting.

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of
auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact ADA Coordinator Johnny Montiel at
575.359.2869 at least one (1) day prior to the meeting or as soon as possible.