Another week of fluctuating temperatures.  70 one day and in the 30’s the next.  It is beyond me how a person can stay well.  I want it to be 70 all day, every day.  Yes, I am aware I live in the wrong place.  

                As I mulled what to do this week I have decided to show a simple appetizer and snack with some hints to plump up what is already in the pantry.  I made the popcorn last week to take to a friend’s house for a girl’s day.  Okay, not quite the girl any longer but it sounds better than woman’s day.  This recipe is so easy and tasty I WILL be making this again and again.  I made this the day before I needed it.  I think that is important for future reference because the honey it is very sticky, but it still could have made the same day just be prepared  

            I LOVE baklava, (one day I will attempt it) when I heard that was the name of the popcorn I was skeptical.  I am not a huge flavored popcorn person, just give me the plain with lots of salt & butter.  I am always up for a new recipe and this one intrigued me.  You can make this using the bagged microwave but I have an air popper that honestly, I only use a few times a year but it never fails me, so no burned popcorn with that lingering smell.  

       The next thing I made to take was some Caprese Skewers

        Now this you can alter to your liking very easily.  I did tomato and mozzarella with basil and a good balsamic I got at and oil and vinegar shop in Albuquerque. If you ever come upon these little shops I think they are amazing, all you do is taste different oils and vinegars.  It’s amazing what a flavor, spice or seasoning can add to your oil & vinegar.

           I debated on adding some salami but decided against it.  You can make these bite size on a regular toothpick one grape tomato and one bocconcini mozzarella.  If the little mozzarella balls are not available you can use the block, cut into chunks. (I buy them in quart or pint at a good grocery or club store) Honestly the block will work, just not as good in my opinion.  Then all you do is add some chopped basil to the top and drizzle with balsamic.

          I have found a super easy cheat on the basil.  It is not always in season or you have it on hand.  I have bought and tried the garlic (even though I have it) cilantro, still on the fence with this herb, ginger, not always available fresh and the basil.  It is cost effective they keep frozen for a year is what the manufacturer said and one little cube is equal to 1 teaspoon.  I bought mine at Walmart and it wasn’t expensive, just a few dollars for a tray of 16 cubes that you keep frozen until you need one then just pop it out.  I don’t know about you but with the change in our household it seems like sometimes I am throwing out more than we are consuming. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the first to go, lettuce being the first.


Baklava Popcorn

Makes 7 servings; 1½ cups popcorn per serving; 160 calories per serving



    • 1/2 cup honey
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (or pecans)
    • 10 cups light popcorn (I used more and it was not as sticky but still flavorful, filled a large bowl)
    • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt



In a small, glass mixing bowl, add honey and butter and microwave for about 30 seconds until butter is melted. (*Before adding honey to measuring cup, mist with nonstick cooking spray to prevent honey from sticking). When honey-butter mixture is well combined, add vanilla extract and cinnamon, stir and set aside.

Lay chopped walnuts (I did the pecan, if I’d had pistachios might have used them) on baking sheet and lightly toast in the oven or toaster oven, just a few minutes

Drizzle honey mixture over popcorn, tossing as you drizzle to ensure its evenly distributed through the popcorn batch. Sprinkle on the pecans and sea salt. Enjoy!


For more delicious recipes, check out Joy’s cookbook, From Junk Food to Joy Food. And follow Joy 
Written by Joann Rackler**