New Mexican food isn’t always easy to understand when you haven’t grown up here or adopted it as your own. It’s hard to describe when you’re visiting with someone from another state. That’s because it’s not really Mexican, it’s certainly not Tex-Mex and living and eating in New Mexico comes with its own set of quirks that you can’t find anywhere else in the country.
If you’ve ever pulled over on the highway to buy beef jerky or accidentally rubbed green chile juice in your eye, here are 10 things you’ll probably understand.
1. Mexican ≠ New Mexican ≠ Tex Mex
Let’s be honest here, New Mexican cuisine is its own special category. It lives somewhere between traditional Mexican food and Tex Mex food, in a place where there is a lot more cheese.
2. You know the difference between ‘chili’ and ‘chile.’
We’ve all had the chili. Its is a stew with meat and beans. Chile is a vegetable (technically a fruit, but you know what we mean) that can be turned into chili, but not vice versa.
Roasting Chile is a staple in New Mexico. Here are directions on how to do them in your oven! Click Here
3. Sopapillas Can Be Eaten with Any Meal
Stuffed with eggs? …breakfast. Stuffed with meat and covered in chile, BOOM, lunch and dinner. Smothered in honey and you’ve got the dessert.
Never made them at home? Click Here
4. Christmas Isn’t Just a Holiday
Yes, we all celebrate Christmas, but in New Mexico, the term takes on a whole new meaning! Can’t decide red or green sauce on your enchiladas? Have them both! Christmas style!
NM Red Chile Enchilada Casserole
NM Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas
5. You Can Eat Anything on a Tortilla
Burgers, melted cheese, honey, hot dogs, PB&J, chocolate sauce…anything goes!
Here’s how to make Homemade Tortillas.
6. If someone tries to sell you a burrito or tamales from a cooler or trunk, YOU BUY THEM.
No one makes burritos or tamales like the ones that are homemade! Don’t let them drive away without paying for the most delicious burrito or tamale you’ve ever eaten!
7. A McDonald’s Green Chile Cheeseburger is a Last Resort, but It’s There When You Need It.
Someone asked, “Is it better than a regular McDonald’s cheeseburger?” The answers is this: “Yeah, there’s green chile on it.”
8. The smell of any roasting chile anywhere makes you think of late August/early September.
9. Biscochitos MUST be eaten at Christmas time.
These delicious, cinnamon bites of goodness are a norm around the holidays in New Mexico. If you don’t eat at least one, are you really celebrating the holidays?
If you’ve never made them, now is the time! Here’s how: Biscochito Recipe
10. Green chile is hotter than red chile.
We all know that red usually means hotter, but in New Mexico, the hotter is the greener! Trust us on this one. Your mouth will thank you later!
We are proud of our New Mexican Cuisine and hope you are too. There’s nothing better than Hatch Green Chile or Homemade Tamales, and New Mexicans will fight to prove that to you!